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1956 Book One: Sweet Sweet Little Ramona

door Steve Lafler

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Notorious alt/indy comix legend Steve Lafler (BugHouse, Dog Boy, Buzzard) returns with the story of Jack, Susie, and of course Ramona. We travel to Manhattan of 1956 to meet our players, who haunt the wholesale Garment District by day, and the legendary jazz clubs of 52nd Street by night.Jack and Susie, junior buyers for the McCurdy's chain of department stores, are ambitious kids trying to make their mark as they vie for the position of Chief Buyer. And hey, maybe they happen to fall in love on the side? We'll see Ramona hails from Texas, a young trans woman looking to be herself in the atmosphere of 1950s New York City. It ain't easy She descends into working the streets to support herself while she dreams of becoming a fashion model.Against this backdrop, our cast of players congregate in the jazz clubs at night and begin to scheme. Are they competing with each other? Or do they work together to realize their dreams?… (meer)
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Notorious alt/indy comix legend Steve Lafler (BugHouse, Dog Boy, Buzzard) returns with the story of Jack, Susie, and of course Ramona. We travel to Manhattan of 1956 to meet our players, who haunt the wholesale Garment District by day, and the legendary jazz clubs of 52nd Street by night.Jack and Susie, junior buyers for the McCurdy's chain of department stores, are ambitious kids trying to make their mark as they vie for the position of Chief Buyer. And hey, maybe they happen to fall in love on the side? We'll see Ramona hails from Texas, a young trans woman looking to be herself in the atmosphere of 1950s New York City. It ain't easy She descends into working the streets to support herself while she dreams of becoming a fashion model.Against this backdrop, our cast of players congregate in the jazz clubs at night and begin to scheme. Are they competing with each other? Or do they work together to realize their dreams?

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