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Beachcombing for Japanese Glass Floats

door Amos L. Wood

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24Geen977,208 (2.25)1
Of all the marine treasures washed ashore on Pacific Coast beaches, most prized are the beautiful glass fishing floats that arrive by way of the Kuroshio current from Japan. With their fascinating markings, delicate colorings, myriad designs, and strange origins, they are sought by both professional and amateur beachcombers.… (meer)
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For thirty years, this has been the best single resource for beachcombing for Japanese glass floats along the Pacific Northwest coast. Amos L. Wood, who passed away in 1989, was an avid beachcomber and an engineer who applied the mind of a researcher to beachcombing. He investigated, interviewed, and traveled (even to Japan) to find out where these mysterious vagabonds of the sea came from, who made them, who uses them, who finds them, and what the future holds for beachcombing. He even visited a glass float factory while in Japan and photographed how they were manufactured.

The book includes an appendix that contains well over 100 glass float markings with the sources and translations for many of the markings.

Most of the photos are from the 50's and 60's and include photos of interesting events and beachcombing finds plus a wide variety of glass floats. Unfortunately, none of the pictures are in color to give the reader an idea of the range of colors glass floats come in.

Amos Wood gives good advice on where to find glass floats and when to look for them. Although the number of floats found today is much smaller than when he originally wrote his book, his advice is generally still true today. However I must say the Walt Pich's books is a better guide on "how to beachcomb".

In his last edition in 1985, he removed some photos and added others, so the newer book is a bit different from the older editions. A glass float fanatic will probably want to have both editions, the older of which can be found in used book stores such as Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon. In his latest edition, he added significantly to the list of identification markings although he doesn't define the source or meanings of many of these new markings.

The only thing really outdated with this book is his price guide that hasn't been updated since the original publishing date of 1967.
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Of all the marine treasures washed ashore on Pacific Coast beaches, most prized are the beautiful glass fishing floats that arrive by way of the Kuroshio current from Japan. With their fascinating markings, delicate colorings, myriad designs, and strange origins, they are sought by both professional and amateur beachcombers.

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