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Deathstalker Legacy (Deathstalker Reborn)…
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Deathstalker Legacy (Deathstalker Reborn) (origineel 2002; editie 2023)

door Simon R. Green (Auteur)

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447157,975 (3.68)Geen
A golden age doesn't last forever... Owen Deathstalker sacrificed everything to topple a corrupt empire and usher humanity into an age of peace and prosperity. Now Lewis Deathstalker, Owen's descendant, carries on the family name and honor as a Paragon, warriors famed for their skill and heroism who dispense the king's justice throughout the galaxy. However, two hundred years have passed since Owen and his gang of heroes disappeared into legend, and the peace that the Deathstalker bought with his life is quickly coming to an end. Amidst political uncertainty, Lewis's oldest friend, Douglas, ascends the throne and names Lewis to the archaic, and largely symbolic, role of King's Champion. But Lewis quickly finds that he has all the bad luck of his famous ancestor and that his old allies have become his enemies. Surrounded on all sides by plots and treason with the political situation spiralling out of control, Lewis is exiled from court in disgrace. Now it's the new Deathstalker's turn to save the empire with only a ragged band of allies as chaos spreads throughout the empire and threatens to end the golden age. Note from Publisher: This book was originally published as Book 6 in the Deathstalker series.… (meer)
Titel:Deathstalker Legacy (Deathstalker Reborn)
Auteurs:Simon R. Green (Auteur)
Info:JAB Books (2023), 378 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Deathstalker Legacy door Simon R. Green (2002)

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So far, this is one of my favorites in the Deathstalker series. 200 years of a Golden Age have gone by, bought by what Owen and the other Maze heroes did. The true story of the rebellion was erased by the first new King and Queen, who chose to build their Golden Age on legends, rather than people. Douglas Campbell reluctantly becomes the most recent king and triggers the end of that age by choosing Lewis Deathstalker to be his Champion. A jealous paragon immediately begins to plot to bring the Empire down, which turns out to be frighteningly easy. Seems an empire built on illusions is like a house built on sand. The Terror, predicted by Owen 200 years ago, has arrived, and once again a Deathstalker is called by duty to save Humanity.

Green makes fantastic use of the original Deathstalker series as a rich background for this new story. Readers will feel the thrilling sense that they know things about the past that the main characters do not. It is very satisfying to see how much Owen is admired for all he accomplished, disappointing to see how he had to be simplified for public consumption, and heartbreaking to see how other heroes of that age were erased altogether. Lewis is a great new Deathstalker character (love his "ugly face"), and there is a tense sense of anticipation to see if he will find the truth, meet up with any of the old heroes or reveal any of the hidden identities that surround him. I love the theme of the importance of truth. It may have been easier to build a golden age on simplified legends, but the truth will out, and every kindly-meant lie places a seed of rot which can be exploited by those who find their age not so golden after all. And in the end, the truth of Owen Deathstalker and his heroic companions is far more compelling than the legend. It's so fun to watch Lewis seek out the parts we already know and hope he'll answer the pieces we don't! ( )
  hjjugovic | Jul 12, 2008 |
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A golden age doesn't last forever... Owen Deathstalker sacrificed everything to topple a corrupt empire and usher humanity into an age of peace and prosperity. Now Lewis Deathstalker, Owen's descendant, carries on the family name and honor as a Paragon, warriors famed for their skill and heroism who dispense the king's justice throughout the galaxy. However, two hundred years have passed since Owen and his gang of heroes disappeared into legend, and the peace that the Deathstalker bought with his life is quickly coming to an end. Amidst political uncertainty, Lewis's oldest friend, Douglas, ascends the throne and names Lewis to the archaic, and largely symbolic, role of King's Champion. But Lewis quickly finds that he has all the bad luck of his famous ancestor and that his old allies have become his enemies. Surrounded on all sides by plots and treason with the political situation spiralling out of control, Lewis is exiled from court in disgrace. Now it's the new Deathstalker's turn to save the empire with only a ragged band of allies as chaos spreads throughout the empire and threatens to end the golden age. Note from Publisher: This book was originally published as Book 6 in the Deathstalker series.

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