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Hercules Little Golden Book (Disney Classic)…
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Hercules Little Golden Book (Disney Classic) (editie 2022)

door Justine Korman (Adapter), Peter Emslie (Illustrator), Don Williams (Illustrator)

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2031,129,493 (4.5)Geen
Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Disney's beloved movie Hercules with this classic Little Golden Book from 1997 that features Hercules, Meg, Phil, and Pegasus! Disney's Hercules is the timeless story of a hero trying to find where he belongs and going the distance to save the world in the process. The epic characters and catchy songs from the film have captivated audiences for 25 years. And now this Little Golden Book that retells the story full of humor and heart is back in print to delight a new generation of boys and girls ages 2 to 5--as well as fans and collectors of all ages!   Little Golden Books enjoy nearly 100% consumer recognition. They feature beloved classics, hot licenses, and new original stories . . . the classics of tomorrow.  … (meer)
Titel:Hercules Little Golden Book (Disney Classic)
Auteurs:Justine Korman (Adapter)
Andere auteurs:Peter Emslie (Illustrator), Don Williams (Illustrator)
Info:Golden/Disney (2022), 24 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Traditional Lit - Myth or Legend

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Hercules Little Golden Book (Disney Classic) door Justine Korman

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Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Disney's beloved movie Hercules with this classic Little Golden Book from 1997 that features Hercules, Meg, Phil, and Pegasus! Disney's Hercules is the timeless story of a hero trying to find where he belongs and going the distance to save the world in the process. The epic characters and catchy songs from the film have captivated audiences for 25 years. And now this Little Golden Book that retells the story full of humor and heart is back in print to delight a new generation of boys and girls ages 2 to 5--as well as fans and collectors of all ages!   Little Golden Books enjoy nearly 100% consumer recognition. They feature beloved classics, hot licenses, and new original stories . . . the classics of tomorrow.  

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
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