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Always Faithful: A Story of the War in Afghanistan, the Fall of Kabul, and the Unshakable Bond Between a Marine and an Interpreter

door Thomas Schueman

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"In August 2021, just days shy of the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, America ended its twenty-year war in Afghanistan. While the shocking scenes of desperation at the Kabul airport unfolded, United States Marine Major Tom Schueman fought--both behind the scenes and through a public social media campaign--to get his friend and former Afghan interpreter, Zainullah 'Zak' Zaki, out of Afghanistan before he and his family were discovered by the Taliban. When they finally took off from the airport mere days before the U.S. left the country, the yearslong effort to get Zak to America culminated in two simple words from Tom on Instagram: 'Wheels up.' Now, in Always Faithful, Tom and Zak tell the full story of the dangerous road they walked together in service to America and how their commitment to each other saved them both"--Dust jacket flap.… (meer)
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"In August 2021, just days shy of the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, America ended its twenty-year war in Afghanistan. While the shocking scenes of desperation at the Kabul airport unfolded, United States Marine Major Tom Schueman fought--both behind the scenes and through a public social media campaign--to get his friend and former Afghan interpreter, Zainullah 'Zak' Zaki, out of Afghanistan before he and his family were discovered by the Taliban. When they finally took off from the airport mere days before the U.S. left the country, the yearslong effort to get Zak to America culminated in two simple words from Tom on Instagram: 'Wheels up.' Now, in Always Faithful, Tom and Zak tell the full story of the dangerous road they walked together in service to America and how their commitment to each other saved them both"--Dust jacket flap.

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