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The Exorcism Files: True Stories of Demonic…
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The Exorcism Files: True Stories of Demonic Possession (editie 2022)

door Adam Blai (Auteur)

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Drawing from his extensive experience in assisting with cases of demonic oppression and possession, in The Exorcism Files, Adam Blai presents listeners with enlightening true stories and traces their causation. Whether people provided a gateway through Ouija boards or tarot cards, Blai reports from firsthand observation how they were lured into the occult. Blai also recounts shocking cases of participation in covens and cults under the guise of knowledge, empowerment, and liberation. This is sometimes accompanied by crimes and hauntings, which Blai also documents. An essential guide for our time, The Exorcism Files reveals numerous striking truths about the supernatural, including: the key signs of diabolic possession-and how they differ from those of oppression; how dabbling in the occult opens the door to evil; why the devil most intently attacks priestly and religious vocations; how evil can manifest itself in physical objects or symptoms; why only priests, with their bishops' permission, should perform the old solemn rite of exorcism; and how engaging in mind control and ghost hunting is flirting with evil. Blai demonstrates that there is a supernatural enemy in this world who is trying to destroy us. Our defenses are the Precious Blood of Jesus, the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Holy Scripture, and Church Tradition.… (meer)
Titel:The Exorcism Files: True Stories of Demonic Possession
Auteurs:Adam Blai (Auteur)
Info:Sophia Institute Press (2022), 272 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Exorcism Files: True Stories of Demonic Possession door Adam Blai

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Drawing from his extensive experience in assisting with cases of demonic oppression and possession, in The Exorcism Files, Adam Blai presents listeners with enlightening true stories and traces their causation. Whether people provided a gateway through Ouija boards or tarot cards, Blai reports from firsthand observation how they were lured into the occult. Blai also recounts shocking cases of participation in covens and cults under the guise of knowledge, empowerment, and liberation. This is sometimes accompanied by crimes and hauntings, which Blai also documents. An essential guide for our time, The Exorcism Files reveals numerous striking truths about the supernatural, including: the key signs of diabolic possession-and how they differ from those of oppression; how dabbling in the occult opens the door to evil; why the devil most intently attacks priestly and religious vocations; how evil can manifest itself in physical objects or symptoms; why only priests, with their bishops' permission, should perform the old solemn rite of exorcism; and how engaging in mind control and ghost hunting is flirting with evil. Blai demonstrates that there is a supernatural enemy in this world who is trying to destroy us. Our defenses are the Precious Blood of Jesus, the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Holy Scripture, and Church Tradition.

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