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Moneyless Society: The Next Economic Evolution

door Matthew Holten

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3Geen4,220,023 (3)Geen
"It's time for an economic evolution. The evidence is all around us: humans are squandering natural resources and destroying the environment. There is no real debate about climate change. And with an ever-widening wealth gap, inequality is destabilizing many regions and worsening famine, disease, and civil unrest. We must change, fast-and yet we hesitate. This book explores how capitalism throttles Earth's capacity to sustain life and undermines our deep longing to live in peace and prosperity. Fortunately, it also provides a blueprint for innovative thinking and new structures to replace our outmoded monetary system. In short, this book illuminates just how much our lives and those of future generations could improve with a new kind of freedom: freedom from money. We are at a crossroads: we can choose abundance, community, and prosperity, or we can continue down the path toward collapse. The choice is ours"--Publisher.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorwitterjig, orcpac7

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"It's time for an economic evolution. The evidence is all around us: humans are squandering natural resources and destroying the environment. There is no real debate about climate change. And with an ever-widening wealth gap, inequality is destabilizing many regions and worsening famine, disease, and civil unrest. We must change, fast-and yet we hesitate. This book explores how capitalism throttles Earth's capacity to sustain life and undermines our deep longing to live in peace and prosperity. Fortunately, it also provides a blueprint for innovative thinking and new structures to replace our outmoded monetary system. In short, this book illuminates just how much our lives and those of future generations could improve with a new kind of freedom: freedom from money. We are at a crossroads: we can choose abundance, community, and prosperity, or we can continue down the path toward collapse. The choice is ours"--Publisher.

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