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A Christmas Gift/the Snow Bride/the Road to Christmas/Hug Me, Hol

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The Snow Bride - Debbie Macomber Practical Jenna Campbell has done something impractical: sheās met a sensitive, gallant and romantic man on the internet and now, a month before Christmas, sheās going to Alaska to marry him. On the flight to Fairbanks, she has the misfortune to sit beside Reid Jamison, who obviously isnāt sensitive, gallant or romantic. However, heās not impressed with her plan to marry Dalton, a man he detests. So Reid takes it upon himself to change her destination ā" and her marriage plans. Which is why Jenna ends up at Reidās cabin in tiny Snowbound, Alaska. Itās currently a one-woman town (and the other womanās out of town). That leaves Reid, a bunch of eccentric old men, a few grizzly bears ā" and Jenna. Kidnapped! And then thereās a blizzard. With the two of them stranded in Snowbound, maybe sheāll be a Christmas bride, after all! The Road To Christmas - Sheila Roberts Michelle and Max are not planning on a happy holiday. Their marriage is in shambles, but now their youngest daughter, Julia, wants everyone to come to her new house in Idaho for Christmas, and sheās got the guest room all ready for Mum and Dad. Their other daughters, Audrey and Shyla, are driving up from California and hoping to meet a sexy rancher for Audrey along the way. What they donāt plan on is getting stranded on a ranch when the car breaks down. The ones with the shortest drive are Grandma and Grandpa ā" also known as Hazel and Warren. Itās still a bit of a trek, and Hazel doesnāt like the idea of driving all that way in snow, but Warren knows theyāll have no problem. They have a reliable car ā" and snow tires and chains if they need them. Theyāll be fine. Surprises lie in store for all three sets of intrepid travelers as they set out on three very different adventures, all leading to one memorable family Christmas. Hug Me, Holly! - Jill Shalvis Sheriff Riley McMann couldnāt believe his ears when Holly Stone announced that sheād be taking over the only café in Little Paradise. She looked as if she hadnāt worked a day in her life, and besides, he had to eat there! But he was soon working up quite an appetite for ‘Calamity Holly’ when he discovered there was more to her than designer clothes and an attitude. Maybe his Christmas wishes were going to come true after all...… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doordelemma21, Misty20, Maroochyquays, becabooks

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The Snow Bride - Debbie Macomber Practical Jenna Campbell has done something impractical: sheās met a sensitive, gallant and romantic man on the internet and now, a month before Christmas, sheās going to Alaska to marry him. On the flight to Fairbanks, she has the misfortune to sit beside Reid Jamison, who obviously isnāt sensitive, gallant or romantic. However, heās not impressed with her plan to marry Dalton, a man he detests. So Reid takes it upon himself to change her destination ā" and her marriage plans. Which is why Jenna ends up at Reidās cabin in tiny Snowbound, Alaska. Itās currently a one-woman town (and the other womanās out of town). That leaves Reid, a bunch of eccentric old men, a few grizzly bears ā" and Jenna. Kidnapped! And then thereās a blizzard. With the two of them stranded in Snowbound, maybe sheāll be a Christmas bride, after all! The Road To Christmas - Sheila Roberts Michelle and Max are not planning on a happy holiday. Their marriage is in shambles, but now their youngest daughter, Julia, wants everyone to come to her new house in Idaho for Christmas, and sheās got the guest room all ready for Mum and Dad. Their other daughters, Audrey and Shyla, are driving up from California and hoping to meet a sexy rancher for Audrey along the way. What they donāt plan on is getting stranded on a ranch when the car breaks down. The ones with the shortest drive are Grandma and Grandpa ā" also known as Hazel and Warren. Itās still a bit of a trek, and Hazel doesnāt like the idea of driving all that way in snow, but Warren knows theyāll have no problem. They have a reliable car ā" and snow tires and chains if they need them. Theyāll be fine. Surprises lie in store for all three sets of intrepid travelers as they set out on three very different adventures, all leading to one memorable family Christmas. Hug Me, Holly! - Jill Shalvis Sheriff Riley McMann couldnāt believe his ears when Holly Stone announced that sheād be taking over the only café in Little Paradise. She looked as if she hadnāt worked a day in her life, and besides, he had to eat there! But he was soon working up quite an appetite for ‘Calamity Holly’ when he discovered there was more to her than designer clothes and an attitude. Maybe his Christmas wishes were going to come true after all...

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