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The Twilight Garden: A Novel door Sara Nisha…
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The Twilight Garden: A Novel (editie 2024)

door Sara Nisha Adams (Auteur)

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863323,539 (3.25)1
Warring London neighbors Winston and Bernice share an empty patch of greenery lost to time, but when Winston receives photographs of the garden in bloom many years prior, they decide to lay down their arms to revitalize the garden and help revive the community spirit that's been languishing for so long.… (meer)
Titel:The Twilight Garden: A Novel
Auteurs:Sara Nisha Adams (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow (2024), 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Twilight Garden door Sara Nisha Adams

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A story of community and belonging and finding a family.
On Eastbourne Road in London, there is a garden shared between 2 houses. The neighbors, Bernice and Winston do not get along. But as the months go by, Bernice's son, Seb, breaks the ice with Winston.
There is a second story of Alma and Maya and the friendship and the bonds they created years earlier in those homes. Now, the garden is neglected, but notes and pictures get dropped into the mail slots of Bernice and Winston. They take these as a sign to do something.
A nice story, but I think it dragged a bit. ( )
  rmarcin | Jun 3, 2024 |
Not a review but a note for myself: I enjoyed this book and need to check it out of the library when they get it. Was 26% in but hate reading e-books.
  Tosta | May 11, 2024 |
Winston came to England to become a financier but he is currently working in a shop whereas his boyfriend is progressing up the career ladder. Bernice is a divorced single parent, determined to smother her child with love. They live in two adjoining houses with a shared garden and keep up a frosty relationship.
However when Winston receives a strange set of pictures through his door one day, showing the garden in a previous guise, he decides to tackle the task of restoring the garden to it's former glory.
This is a really quite lovely book about relationships. Set across the 1970s and the 2010s it juxtaposes the lives of people associated with a corner of North London and linked by a love of a shared green space. There's nothing horrible here, it's very predictable but it is a great, gentle read. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Jul 31, 2023 |
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You'll be pleased to know the garden is already tucking itself up for the autumn.
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Warring London neighbors Winston and Bernice share an empty patch of greenery lost to time, but when Winston receives photographs of the garden in bloom many years prior, they decide to lay down their arms to revitalize the garden and help revive the community spirit that's been languishing for so long.

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