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NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It

door Mike Gonzalez

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Mike Gonzalez and Katharine Gorka document the Left's metamorphosis into a bastardized, racialized Marxism that is a threat to everything Americans hold dear. In this deeply insightful book, readers will understand the nature of the beast--and how to fight it in their communities.  -- Christopher Rufo, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute Many Americans believe that the United States is in decline. They see a country that has become unrecognizable: where individuals are reduced to their race, ethnicity, or sexual identity; where children are indoctrinated into radical ideologies; where anti-semitism has become widespread. This book explains how all of these ills are rooted in Marxism. To be sure, it is not Soviet Marxism, but a Marxism that was shaped by European intellectuals, adapted and refined by America's student radicals of the 1960s, and diffused throughout the culture as those student radicals became professors, community organizers, and leaders. The end goal of these NextGen Marxists is expropriation, redistribution, central planning, and collectivism. They are working toward nothing less than the cultural transformation of the United States--and they have partially succeeded. But NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It is infused with optimism. It reveals the dark inner workings of the radical left's destructive agenda in the United States in order to teach Americans how to fight back.   The authors share their conviction that the best days for the United States are still ahead of us if every day Americans can work together to restore sanity and make America the great beacon of freedom once again.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorc1802362, linuxcomputergeek, phillyd97, MH2017
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Mike Gonzalez and Katharine Gorka document the Left's metamorphosis into a bastardized, racialized Marxism that is a threat to everything Americans hold dear. In this deeply insightful book, readers will understand the nature of the beast--and how to fight it in their communities.  -- Christopher Rufo, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute Many Americans believe that the United States is in decline. They see a country that has become unrecognizable: where individuals are reduced to their race, ethnicity, or sexual identity; where children are indoctrinated into radical ideologies; where anti-semitism has become widespread. This book explains how all of these ills are rooted in Marxism. To be sure, it is not Soviet Marxism, but a Marxism that was shaped by European intellectuals, adapted and refined by America's student radicals of the 1960s, and diffused throughout the culture as those student radicals became professors, community organizers, and leaders. The end goal of these NextGen Marxists is expropriation, redistribution, central planning, and collectivism. They are working toward nothing less than the cultural transformation of the United States--and they have partially succeeded. But NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It is infused with optimism. It reveals the dark inner workings of the radical left's destructive agenda in the United States in order to teach Americans how to fight back.   The authors share their conviction that the best days for the United States are still ahead of us if every day Americans can work together to restore sanity and make America the great beacon of freedom once again.

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