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A bioarchaeological analysis of Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave, Greece (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International)

door Anastasia Papathanasiou

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This study analyses 161 individuals from the Alepotrya Cave, located on the west coast of the Tainaron Peninsula of Southern Greece. In it Papathanasiou outlines the history of the site, the history of this type of research and sets out the aims and methodology for her study. Her aims are primarily to look at the different burial practices represented within the assemblage of burials, to analyse the bones in detail to form a reconstruction of palaeodemography and palaeopathology at the site, and therefore to study local subsistence practices.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorjhruby7
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This study analyses 161 individuals from the Alepotrya Cave, located on the west coast of the Tainaron Peninsula of Southern Greece. In it Papathanasiou outlines the history of the site, the history of this type of research and sets out the aims and methodology for her study. Her aims are primarily to look at the different burial practices represented within the assemblage of burials, to analyse the bones in detail to form a reconstruction of palaeodemography and palaeopathology at the site, and therefore to study local subsistence practices.

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