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Colorado Wings: A Wing and a Prayer/Wings…
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Colorado Wings: A Wing and a Prayer/Wings Like Eagles/Wings of the Dawn/A Gift of Wings (Inspirational Romance Collection) (editie 2000)

door Tracie Peterson (Auteur)

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2202127,337 (3.75)2
Tracie Peterson. The Denver metro is filled with intrigue and romance as portrayed in three complete novels plus a bonus novella. Titles include A Wing and a Prayer, Wings Like Eagles, Wings of the Dawn, and A Gift of Wings.
Titel:Colorado Wings: A Wing and a Prayer/Wings Like Eagles/Wings of the Dawn/A Gift of Wings (Inspirational Romance Collection)
Auteurs:Tracie Peterson (Auteur)
Info:Barbour Publishing, Incorporated (2000), 480 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Colorado Wings (A Wing and a Prayer / Wings Like Eagles / Wings of the Dawn / A Gift of Wings) door Tracie Peterson

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This book includes all the books in the "Colorado Wings" series, as well as another book that concludes the series, but I can't find it as a stand alone boon on Goodreads.

"A Wing & a Prayer" gives the background of the plane crash CJ was involved in, mentions her brother Curt, Cheryl, & Brad.

"Wings Like Eagles" introduces Christy & her sister, Candy, and their brother, Erik. Curt is more involved in this story, and Debbie is introduced as Curt's intended, they are partners as DEA agents. (Debbie is actually engaged to Frank, their superior. Cheryl is involved as she is planning using one of Christy's gowns for her wedding to Stratton

"Wings of the Dawn" tells more about about Cheryl Fairchild, her father, Ben, and Stratton's death by Curt's gun during a DEA investigation. Erik is involved in this story, along with CJ & Brad, and Curt, & Debbie as DEA agents.

In "Gift of Wings" Debbie Sander's mom is trying to keep her spirits up. She double checked the plans for opening day when she heard voices. She remembered 5 years ago when she heard voices that shouldn't have been there. There was supposed to be a New Year's Eve gathering of just family (Curt & Christy, Brad & CJ, Erik & Cheryl), but now Curt wanted to bring in someone else. Debbie's premonitions hadn't kept her husband, Frank, from being killed, & Nathan wasn't welcome. It was the anniversary of Frank's death. The DEA wanted to put protection on her because Frank's killer, Simon Hill, had escaped from prison. Debbie didn't want Nathan following her around. She had put up with his unfaithfulness in their relationship before. They heard someone come in, & prepared for Hill's attack. Brad Aldersson was stunned at his reception! They had a lot of explaining to do!
( )
  CAFinNY | Apr 26, 2019 |
A Collection of four novels of the lives of the survivors of a plane crash. A Wind and a Prayer, Wings Like Eagles, Wings of the Dawn, and a Gift of Wings. Eight lives are forever altered by the plane crash. Whether on the plane or by a more distant connection, these four young couples find a dark mystery haunting their budding romances. Waiting for God to work everything out could be their biggest challenge yet. The Denver air is filled with intrigue and romance in these three complete novels and one bonus novella by Tracie Peterson.
  BethanyBible | Apr 26, 2010 |
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Tracie Peterson. The Denver metro is filled with intrigue and romance as portrayed in three complete novels plus a bonus novella. Titles include A Wing and a Prayer, Wings Like Eagles, Wings of the Dawn, and A Gift of Wings.

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