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A Complaint Free World: How to Stop…
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A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted (origineel 2007; editie 2007)

door Will Bowen

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3491576,870 (3.66)3
Pastor Will Bowen of Christ Church Unity, Kansas City, Mo., challenged his congregation to help him make the world a complaint-free place by wearing a purple bracelet for 21 days, switching it from one wrist to the other each time they complained about something. The goal: to keep it on the same wrist for as many days as possible. Now, he shares that philosophy with listeners in the hope that it will change their life as it has thousands of others.… (meer)
Titel:A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted
Auteurs:Will Bowen
Info:Doubleday (2007), Hardcover, 192 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Een betere wereld ophouden met klagen, mopperen en zeuren door Will Bowen (2007)

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In your hands you hold the secret to transforming your life. Big words? Yes, but this is a plan that has already proven intself with millions of people around the world. Pastor Will Bowen developed the life-changing A Complaint Free World plan based on the simple idea that good things will happen for you in abundance if you can just leave your grumblling behind. In a Sunday-morning sermon, Will told his congregation he wanted to make the world a complaint-free zone, and to prove he was serious, he passed out purple bracelets to all the church members and offered them a challenge. 'If you catch yourself complaining, take the bracelet and move it to the other wrist.'

Now, less than a year later, more than six million people have taken up the challenge, trying to go twenty-one consecutive days without complaining, critizing, or gossiping, and in so doing, forming a new, positive habit. By changing your words, you can change your thougths and then begin to create your life by design. People have shared stories with Will of relieving chronic pain, healing relationships, improving careers, and becoming an overall happier person. Less pain, improved health, satisfying relationships, a better job, being more serene and joyous-sound good? It's not only possible, it's probable. Consciously striving to reformat your mental hard drive is not easy, but you can start now by using the steps Bowen presents here.

In this book you can learn what constitutes a complaint, why we complain, what benefits we think we receive from complaining, how complaining is destructive to our lives, and how we can get others around us to stop complaining. You will learn the steps to eradicating this poisonous form of expression from your life. If you stay with it, you will find that not only will you cease complaining, but others around you will cease to do so as well. In a short period of time, you can have the life you've always dreamed of having.

Will Bowen is the lead minister at Christ Church Unity in Kansas City, Missouri. Prior to entering the ministry, he spent many years in radio and in sales and marketing. His passions are exercise, Bible history, juggling, horseback riding, traveling, and reading. He and his wife, Gail, have a daughter, Lia. The Bowen family live in rural Missouri with several horses, dogs, and cats.


Part 1 Unconscious Imcompeence
Chapter 1 I complain therefore I am
Chapter 2 Complaining and health
Part 2 Conscious incompetence
Chapter 3 Complaning and elationships
Chapter 4 Waking up
Part 3 Conscious competence
Chapter 5 Silence and the language of complaint
Chapter 6 Critics and supporters
Part 4 Unconsiciouis competence
Chapter 7 Mastery
Chapter 8 21-day champions
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Pretty interesting concept - free purple bracelets to call attention to each time you complain. It also makes sense that your day will go much better and you'll have happier people around you if you avoid complaining. I like the idea. ( )
  Wren73 | Mar 4, 2022 |
I like the idea - trying to go 30 days without complaining, gossiping, or criticizing. But, I think the entire premise begins and ends there. Building a book around how and why we complain/gossip/criticize...seems redundant. But then, I guess I'm complaining and criticizing all at once here, so perhaps I should just stop.

It's a well-intentioned effort - and I hope to adhere to the principles of it. The book itself just didn't inspire me as much as I'd hoped. ( )
  TommyHousworth | Feb 5, 2022 |
  jeffhex | Apr 14, 2020 |
This is an excellent book. It tells us that if we stop our constant complaining, which practically all of us are guilty of, our lives will improve dramatically.

We work on eradicating our complaining by obtaining purple bracelets from and putting one on one of our wrists. Each time we catch ourselves complaining, criticising or gossiping, we move the bracelet to the other wrist. The aim is to go 21 days without a single complaint. Nearly all of us take many months to achieve our goal, and generally wear out several purple bracelets in the process, what with all the switching back and forth from one wrist to the other.

We are informed in the book that the bracelets are free, but in fact they now cost 10 dollars for 10 bracelets. (That was not a complaint – I find this very reasonable.) Will Bowen’s web site now ships millions of bracelets all over the world. Will has started a challenge that is part of our global spiritual development in these amazing times, and his idea is rapidly transforming world consciousness.

Will is extremely honest in revealing his former shortcomings, namely his tendency to complain, criticize and gossip, which he first discovers when he accepts his own challenge. Apparently, we always notice our friends’ complaints but not our own – not until we begin to move our bracelet with each complaint.

This is a wonderful, absolutely inspiring, easy-to-read, edifying and entertaining book.

We are shown that as we try to curb our negative utterances, this eventually has the effect that our mind simply stops thinking these complaining, critical thoughts, and thus we automatically become a much more positive person. When this happens, we become happier and our lives start to improve – good things start to happen!

The book is filled with captivating anecdotes about people’s experiences and insights on their journey towards a complaint-free life, including Will’s own stories.
Please note that you are permitted to share your feelings about something that has happened, though negative, just not “rehash” the events of what has happened. Also if we need to get something fixed by some authority, for example, we are allowed to state our grievances so that they can be remedied.

Will tells us that when we complain, we are saying “Something is wrong”. Our bodies respond to our complaints with stress. Also, what we focus on persists. So when we complain we ensure that the things about which we are complaining keep on occurring.

The book ends with accounts by various persons who have successfully completed the 21-day challenge. They recount how wonderfully their lives have been transformed.

When we have completed the 21 days successfully, we can write to Will’s web site and request that he send us a Certificate of Happiness.

I found this little book to be wonderfully encouraging. I have ordered my bracelets and am awaiting their arrival. I have begun to notice how much I complain and criticize and hope to annihilate this complaining and criticism, though it may be a little difficult for a reviewer! ( )
  IonaS | Jan 20, 2014 |
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For my daughter, Lia, her children yet to be, and their children; each of whom will live in a subsequently happier, more Complaint Free world.
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In your hands you hold the secret to transforming you life.
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Pastor Will Bowen of Christ Church Unity, Kansas City, Mo., challenged his congregation to help him make the world a complaint-free place by wearing a purple bracelet for 21 days, switching it from one wrist to the other each time they complained about something. The goal: to keep it on the same wrist for as many days as possible. Now, he shares that philosophy with listeners in the hope that it will change their life as it has thousands of others.

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3 12
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4.5 2
5 10

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