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Mustang Man: The Sacketts #13 door Louis…
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Mustang Man: The Sacketts #13 (origineel 1966; editie 1966)

door Louis L'Amour

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8361027,248 (3.91)17
Fiction. Western. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:In Mustang Man, Louis L'Amour takes Nolan Sackett on a dangerous journey into family betrayal, greed, and murder.
When Nolan Sackett met Penelope Hume in a cantina at Borregos Plaza, the girl immediately captured his attention. That she was heir to a lost cache of gold didn't make her any less desirable. But Penelope isn't the only one after her grandfather's treasure; Sylvie, Ralph, and Andrew Karnes, distant relatives with no legal claim to the gold, are obsessed with claiming the Hume fortune for themselves. Their all-consuming sense of entitlement recklessly drives them to ambush and murder. Even if Sackett and Penelope are fortunate enough to escape this deadly trio and find the canyon where the gold is hidden, Indian legend has it that nothing will live thereno birds or insects. They say it is filled with the bones of men.
From the Paperback edition..
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Titel:Mustang Man: The Sacketts #13
Auteurs:Louis L'Amour
Info:Bantam (1966), Paperback, 176 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Sacketts, Westerns

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Mustang Man door Louis L'Amour (1966)

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In this installment of the Sackett series our protagonist is Nolan Sackett, one of a set of twins, and a member of the Clinch Mountain Sackett families. He's big, rough and tough, but with a soft heart for a pretty young lady who needs a knight in shining armor...or does she? Good read, highly enjoyable. ( )
  fuzzi | Aug 8, 2019 |
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Title: Mustang Man
Series: Sacketts #13
Author: Louis L'Amour
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Western
Pages: 176
Format: Digital Edition


Nolan Sackett is on the run. Again. He runs across an abandoned wagon and the woman and man try to ambush him to steal his horse, then when that fails they try to poison him. He gets their horses back for them anyway but then leaves them to their fate.

In the next little settlement he is hired as a guide to a young woman, an older man and a halfbreed. They wish to find a hidden cache of gold that the young woman's grandfather supposedly hid when attacked by Mexicans way back when. Nolan is to lead them to a particular area then his services will no longer be needed.

However, the previous couple is also after the gold and they hire some pretty bad men. The older man escorting the young lady isn't so virtuous either. Nolan chooses to protect the young lady and through hardwork, the help of a tough old salt, some fancy machinations, a bit of fast gunplay and plain old luck, ends up with the gold and the girl.

The only “outlaw” Sackett makes good.

My Thoughts:

Man, what do I say about these? Beyond a synopsis and whether I enjoyed it or not, these books aren't deep enough for much of a review.

I did enjoy this a lot and there was a lot of action and badguys galore and the lone gunman (who wasn't quite so alone) and the plucky heroine. It made for a fun, fast read.

★★★☆½ ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Sep 15, 2018 |
Another book in the Sackett series, this features Nolan Sackett who is an outlaw with a heart of gold -- or is that a heart that lusts after gold? Never you worry, Nolan is a Sackett and a good man who will no doubt save the day and the girl. This is a quick-read Western and I enjoyed it.

If you like Westerns, you'll probably like this one, too. ( )
  Jean_Sexton | Nov 9, 2017 |
Although it is 14th in the series, this was the first book in the Sackett saga I read. I loved it. I didn't think at first this was the book for me because it's a western, but I was so wrong. I got pulled into the story from page one. Louis L'Amour is wonderful at setting the stage and I was instantly drawn in. I found it to be a wonderful story, with lovable characters, and a brilliant plot. These books is lke the Lays potato chip commercials except "You can't read just one." Since reading it, I have been searching out other books in the saga to read. I am now reading the 5th book "Ride the River" with Echo Sackett. ( )
  TerrillDavis | Dec 13, 2013 |
Nathan Hume died hard, but not before he hid three hundred pounds of gold in a box canyon in the Rabbit Ears. Nathan Sackett has never ducked trouble, but when he agreed to guide Penelope Hume and her party west, he bought himself a right into a shooting match with a bunch of back-shooting, poisoning, thieves and murderers, and if that's not bad enough, he just might be in love.

How L'Amour packed so much into so few pages is beyond me, but I never fail to enjoy reading about the trouble the Sacketts get themselves into. And out of. ( )
1 stem SunnySD | Jan 8, 2013 |
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When I came down off the cap rock riding a wind-broken bronc, half of New Mexico must have been trailin' behind me, all ready to shake out a loop for a hanging.
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Fiction. Western. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:In Mustang Man, Louis L'Amour takes Nolan Sackett on a dangerous journey into family betrayal, greed, and murder.
When Nolan Sackett met Penelope Hume in a cantina at Borregos Plaza, the girl immediately captured his attention. That she was heir to a lost cache of gold didn't make her any less desirable. But Penelope isn't the only one after her grandfather's treasure; Sylvie, Ralph, and Andrew Karnes, distant relatives with no legal claim to the gold, are obsessed with claiming the Hume fortune for themselves. Their all-consuming sense of entitlement recklessly drives them to ambush and murder. Even if Sackett and Penelope are fortunate enough to escape this deadly trio and find the canyon where the gold is hidden, Indian legend has it that nothing will live thereno birds or insects. They say it is filled with the bones of men.
From the Paperback edition..

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