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Literary Essays

door Jean-Paul Sartre

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"Jean-Paul Sartre's influence on modern literature is based, not only on his remarkable philosophy and his stature as a playwright and novelist, but on his weight as a literary critic. First in France, and later abroad, his original and trenchant analysis of contemporary letters have sown the seeds from which a whole school of criticism sprung up. In these sparkling essays he brings his unique viewpoint to bear upon a significant group of twentieth-century writers - men who are not only of first importance to the Existentialists, but who may be among the creative giants of our time: William Faulkner, Francois Mauriac, John Dos Passos, Jean Giraudoux, Albert Camus and Franz Kafka. These fascinating studies extend still further the range of Sartre's ideas, as well as clarifying the aesthetic theories laid down in Being and Nothingness. They make provocative reading for anyone whose ears are not closed to the more controversial issues of the day"--Back cover.… (meer)
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Jean-Paul Sartreprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Michelson, AnnetteVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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"Jean-Paul Sartre's influence on modern literature is based, not only on his remarkable philosophy and his stature as a playwright and novelist, but on his weight as a literary critic. First in France, and later abroad, his original and trenchant analysis of contemporary letters have sown the seeds from which a whole school of criticism sprung up. In these sparkling essays he brings his unique viewpoint to bear upon a significant group of twentieth-century writers - men who are not only of first importance to the Existentialists, but who may be among the creative giants of our time: William Faulkner, Francois Mauriac, John Dos Passos, Jean Giraudoux, Albert Camus and Franz Kafka. These fascinating studies extend still further the range of Sartre's ideas, as well as clarifying the aesthetic theories laid down in Being and Nothingness. They make provocative reading for anyone whose ears are not closed to the more controversial issues of the day"--Back cover.

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