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Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy: A Reader's Guide (Continuum Contemporaries)

door Angela Atkins

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12Geen1,660,891 (4)Geen
Continuum Contemporaries is a wonderful source of ideas and inspiration for members of book clubs and reading groups, as well as for literature students at school, college and university. The series gives readers accessible and informative introductions to 30 of the most popular, most acclaimed and most influential novels of recent years. A team of contemporary fiction scholars has been assembled to provide a thorough and readable analysis of each of the novels in question. The books in the series all follow the same structure, which features- Biography of the novelist including other works, influences and, in some cases, an interview Full-length study of the novel, drawing out the important themes and ideas Summary of how the novel was received upon publication Summary of how the novel has performed since publication, including film or TV adaptations, literary prizes, etc Wide range of suggestions for further reading, including websites List of questions for reading groups or students to discuss.… (meer)
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Continuum Contemporaries is a wonderful source of ideas and inspiration for members of book clubs and reading groups, as well as for literature students at school, college and university. The series gives readers accessible and informative introductions to 30 of the most popular, most acclaimed and most influential novels of recent years. A team of contemporary fiction scholars has been assembled to provide a thorough and readable analysis of each of the novels in question. The books in the series all follow the same structure, which features- Biography of the novelist including other works, influences and, in some cases, an interview Full-length study of the novel, drawing out the important themes and ideas Summary of how the novel was received upon publication Summary of how the novel has performed since publication, including film or TV adaptations, literary prizes, etc Wide range of suggestions for further reading, including websites List of questions for reading groups or students to discuss.

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