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Women Artists: The National Museum of Women in the Arts (Tiny Folio)

door Susan Fisher Sterling

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77Geen358,588 (4.13)Geen
These palm-sized books capture all the beauty of Abbeville's art books in an irresistible tiny format. They are the perfect gift for anyone charmed by good things that come in small packages! The Tiny Folio series includes books on fine art, popular culture, animals, nature, and great museums of the world. The New York Times commented on the early books in the series: "As feats of miniaturization, these... fat little books would be hard to rival..." and "For a purse-friendly indication of what the visitor will find, this small but bulky book is just about ideal... I shall never be stuck on a dull journey without this little book." This handsome volume of works from the renowned collection of the National Museum of Women in the Arts--the best-known museum in the world dedicated to recognizing the achievements of women artists--is a fascinating record of women's diverse accomplishments from the Renaissance to the first decade of the twenty-first century. Prior to the establishment of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the work of great women artists had been ignored, forgotten, or denied; they had been largely left out of museums and histories of art. Founded in 1987 by Wilhelmina Cole Holladay in Washington, D.C., the National Museum of Women in the Arts boasts a growing membership that is among the top ten in the world. The museum's multifaceted treasures include paintings, sculpture, photographs, prints, and crafts produced over the past five centuries by an international array of women artists. Included here, in full color, are works by Lavinia Fontana, Judith Leyster, Hester Bateman, Rosa Bonheur, Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Camille Claudel, Berenice Abbott, Maria Montoya Martinez, Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lee Krasner, and many more. AUTHOR: Susan Fisher Sterling is the director of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. 280 colour illustrations… (meer)
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These palm-sized books capture all the beauty of Abbeville's art books in an irresistible tiny format. They are the perfect gift for anyone charmed by good things that come in small packages! The Tiny Folio series includes books on fine art, popular culture, animals, nature, and great museums of the world. The New York Times commented on the early books in the series: "As feats of miniaturization, these... fat little books would be hard to rival..." and "For a purse-friendly indication of what the visitor will find, this small but bulky book is just about ideal... I shall never be stuck on a dull journey without this little book." This handsome volume of works from the renowned collection of the National Museum of Women in the Arts--the best-known museum in the world dedicated to recognizing the achievements of women artists--is a fascinating record of women's diverse accomplishments from the Renaissance to the first decade of the twenty-first century. Prior to the establishment of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the work of great women artists had been ignored, forgotten, or denied; they had been largely left out of museums and histories of art. Founded in 1987 by Wilhelmina Cole Holladay in Washington, D.C., the National Museum of Women in the Arts boasts a growing membership that is among the top ten in the world. The museum's multifaceted treasures include paintings, sculpture, photographs, prints, and crafts produced over the past five centuries by an international array of women artists. Included here, in full color, are works by Lavinia Fontana, Judith Leyster, Hester Bateman, Rosa Bonheur, Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Camille Claudel, Berenice Abbott, Maria Montoya Martinez, Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lee Krasner, and many more. AUTHOR: Susan Fisher Sterling is the director of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. 280 colour illustrations

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