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Words that Sell: More than 6000 Entries to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas

door Richard Bayan

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102Geen275,573 (3.4)Geen
More than 6,000 words and phrases that make the difference between "yadda-yadda-yadda" and copy that sells Looking for a better way to say "authentic?" Words That Sell gives you 57 alternatives. How about "appealing?" Take your pick from 76 synonyms. You'll even find more than 100 variations on "exciting." Fully updated and expanded, this edition of the copywriting classic is packed with inspiration-on-demand for busy professionals who need to win customers--by mail, online, or in person. More than 75 lists of powerful and persuasive words and phrases, including 21 new lists for this edition Cross-referencing of categories to jump-start creative thinking A crash course in basic copywriting techniques Helpful lists of commonly misspelled words, confusing words, pretentious phrases to avoid, and more Roget's is fine for writing term papers and letters to the editor, but when it comes to the business of writing copy that translates into sales, there is no substitute for Words That Sell. Find the perfect words and phrases to win over customers Grabbers that get attention: No-risk offer * One day only! * No strings attached! * What have you got to lose? * All the right ingredients * Inside information * Do you enjoy...? * Leap into... Descriptions and benefits that create appeal: Irresistible * winning * zesty * huggable * satisfying * You'll fall in love with...* Your ticket to... * king-size * Gives you the power * baby-soft * Clinchers to win over your customer: Reap the benefits today * Don't miss out! * No risk now, no risk later! * You can do it!* You be the judge * Send for our free catalog * 100% satisfaction guarantee Special strategies that seal the deal: Five-star quality * You're worth it * Don't fall for... * We make life easier * You're one of a select few... * discriminating * Your thoughtful gift… (meer)
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More than 6,000 words and phrases that make the difference between "yadda-yadda-yadda" and copy that sells Looking for a better way to say "authentic?" Words That Sell gives you 57 alternatives. How about "appealing?" Take your pick from 76 synonyms. You'll even find more than 100 variations on "exciting." Fully updated and expanded, this edition of the copywriting classic is packed with inspiration-on-demand for busy professionals who need to win customers--by mail, online, or in person. More than 75 lists of powerful and persuasive words and phrases, including 21 new lists for this edition Cross-referencing of categories to jump-start creative thinking A crash course in basic copywriting techniques Helpful lists of commonly misspelled words, confusing words, pretentious phrases to avoid, and more Roget's is fine for writing term papers and letters to the editor, but when it comes to the business of writing copy that translates into sales, there is no substitute for Words That Sell. Find the perfect words and phrases to win over customers Grabbers that get attention: No-risk offer * One day only! * No strings attached! * What have you got to lose? * All the right ingredients * Inside information * Do you enjoy...? * Leap into... Descriptions and benefits that create appeal: Irresistible * winning * zesty * huggable * satisfying * You'll fall in love with...* Your ticket to... * king-size * Gives you the power * baby-soft * Clinchers to win over your customer: Reap the benefits today * Don't miss out! * No risk now, no risk later! * You can do it!* You be the judge * Send for our free catalog * 100% satisfaction guarantee Special strategies that seal the deal: Five-star quality * You're worth it * Don't fall for... * We make life easier * You're one of a select few... * discriminating * Your thoughtful gift

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