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Always a Scoundrel: The Notorious Gentlemen…
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Always a Scoundrel: The Notorious Gentlemen (editie 2009)

door Suzanne Enoch

Reeksen: Notorious Gentlemen (3)

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2544109,171 (3.77)6
Never a gentleman . . . until now. Lord Bramwell Johns, the second son of a duke, is an unrepentant scoundrel. Now that his two closest friends are disgustingly ensconced in domestic bliss, Bram is feeling strangely restless. And not even relieving London's least deserving aristocrats of their ill-gotten jewels is enough-until the night he overhears an argument. It seems that Lady Rosamund Davies is about to be forced into marriage with a rogue even worse than himself. Rose is well aware of Bram's scandalous reputation, so any reason for his sudden interest in her is suspect; more so since he's close friends with the man about to ruin her family! She has her own plan though, and Bram may be just what she requires-as long as she remembers that he is only looking out for himself. As long as she remembers that his kisses and caresses don't mean anything. As long as she can keep from wondering whether she can trust a scoundrel . . . with her heart.… (meer)
Titel:Always a Scoundrel: The Notorious Gentlemen
Auteurs:Suzanne Enoch
Info:Avon (2009), Edition: Original, Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Always a Scoundrel door Suzanne Enoch (Author)

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Lord Bram overhears Lady Rose's parents telling her she must marry to pay off her brothers debts. Forced marriage for money has been done so many times and nothing about this story or characters really grabbed my interest. I gave up after 100 pages.
( )
  Dawn772 | Jan 29, 2015 |
I have no idea how Suzanne Enoch managed to write a book that I disliked so much and a book I loved so much back to back in the same trilogy, but I'm so glad I didn't give up the trilogy and took to heart the recommendations for this one.

Bram and Rose just got to me. They got to me but good. ( )
  dukedukegoose | Jan 26, 2015 |
not bad - although a little predictable. ( )
  afarrington | Mar 1, 2012 |
E' stato il mio primo libro della Enoch. Un buon feeling tra i due protagonisti. Peccato per il villain. E' talmente cattivo che quasi quasi mi è piaciuto più del protagonista. ( )
  ilibridiviv | Mar 22, 2010 |
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Enoch, SuzanneAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Griffin, JamesArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Never a gentleman . . . until now. Lord Bramwell Johns, the second son of a duke, is an unrepentant scoundrel. Now that his two closest friends are disgustingly ensconced in domestic bliss, Bram is feeling strangely restless. And not even relieving London's least deserving aristocrats of their ill-gotten jewels is enough-until the night he overhears an argument. It seems that Lady Rosamund Davies is about to be forced into marriage with a rogue even worse than himself. Rose is well aware of Bram's scandalous reputation, so any reason for his sudden interest in her is suspect; more so since he's close friends with the man about to ruin her family! She has her own plan though, and Bram may be just what she requires-as long as she remembers that he is only looking out for himself. As long as she remembers that his kisses and caresses don't mean anything. As long as she can keep from wondering whether she can trust a scoundrel . . . with her heart.

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3 11
3.5 7
4 35
4.5 4
5 12

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