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Information Security Risk Analysis

door Thomas R. Peltier

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Successful security professionals have had to modify the process of responding to new threats in the high-profile, ultra-connected business environment. But just because a threat exists does not mean that your organization is at risk. This is what risk assessment is all about. Information Security Risk Analysis, Third Edition demonstrates how to identify threats your company faces and then determine if those threats pose a real risk to your organization. Providing access to more than 350 pages of helpful ancillary materials, this volume: Presents and explains the key components of risk management Demonstrates how the components of risk management are absolutely necessary and work in your organization and business situation Shows how a cost-benefit analysis is part of risk management and how this analysis is performed as part of risk mitigation Explains how to draw up an action plan to protect the assets of your organization when the risk assessment process concludes Examines the difference between a Gap Analysis and a Security or Controls Assessment Presents case studies and examples of all risk management components Authored by renowned security expert and certification instructor, Thomas Peltier, this authoritative reference provides you with the knowledge and the skill-set needed to achieve a highly effective risk analysis assessment in a matter of days. Supplemented with user-friendly checklists, forms, questionnaires, sample assessments, and other documents, this work is truly a one-stop, how-to resource for industry and academia professionals.… (meer)
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Successful security professionals have had to modify the process of responding to new threats in the high-profile, ultra-connected business environment. But just because a threat exists does not mean that your organization is at risk. This is what risk assessment is all about. Information Security Risk Analysis, Third Edition demonstrates how to identify threats your company faces and then determine if those threats pose a real risk to your organization. Providing access to more than 350 pages of helpful ancillary materials, this volume: Presents and explains the key components of risk management Demonstrates how the components of risk management are absolutely necessary and work in your organization and business situation Shows how a cost-benefit analysis is part of risk management and how this analysis is performed as part of risk mitigation Explains how to draw up an action plan to protect the assets of your organization when the risk assessment process concludes Examines the difference between a Gap Analysis and a Security or Controls Assessment Presents case studies and examples of all risk management components Authored by renowned security expert and certification instructor, Thomas Peltier, this authoritative reference provides you with the knowledge and the skill-set needed to achieve a highly effective risk analysis assessment in a matter of days. Supplemented with user-friendly checklists, forms, questionnaires, sample assessments, and other documents, this work is truly a one-stop, how-to resource for industry and academia professionals.

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