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Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next) door…
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Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next) (origineel 2002; editie 2002)

door Jasper Fforde

Reeksen: Thursday Next (2)

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Thursday Next, literary detective and newlywed, is back to embark on an adventure that begins, quite literally on her own doorstep. It seems that Landen, her husband of four weeks, actually drowned in an accident when he was two years old. Someone, somewhere, sometime, is responsible. The sinister Goliath Corporation wants its operative Jack Schitt out of the poem in which Thursday trapped him, and it will do almost anything to achieve this - but bribing the ChronoGuard? Is that possible? Having barely caught her breath after The Eyre Affair, Thursday must battle corrupt politicians, try to save the world from extinction, and help the Neanderthals to species self-determination. Mastadon migrations, journeys into Just William, a chance meeting with the Flopsy Bunnies, and violent life-and-death struggles in the summer sales are all part of a greater plan. But whose? and why?… (meer)
Titel:Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next)
Auteurs:Jasper Fforde
Info:Hodder Paperback (2002), Paperback, 384 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Lost in a Good Book door Jasper Fforde (2002)

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Blijft een geweldige fantastische wereld waarin je heerlijk in kunt opgaan. Moet het wel nog een keer met een woordenboek ernaast lezen en ook de verwijzingen nogmaals bestuderen dan zal het beslist een nog rijkere ervaring worden ( )
  HiramHolliday | Nov 28, 2010 |
In Lost in a Good Book and The Well of Lost Plots, Fforde gets a bit bogged down in all the details of the fictional universe.
toegevoegd door Katya0133 | bewerkGalef, David, Yale Review (Oct 1, 2008)
There is a certain self-delighted quality to all this cleverness that would probably become annoying if Fforde weren't so resolutely unclever about his own writing. By and large, the story bounds along in one-sentence paragraphs that J. K. Rowling would be proud of.

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I didn't ask to be a celebrity.
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Thursday Next, literary detective and newlywed, is back to embark on an adventure that begins, quite literally on her own doorstep. It seems that Landen, her husband of four weeks, actually drowned in an accident when he was two years old. Someone, somewhere, sometime, is responsible. The sinister Goliath Corporation wants its operative Jack Schitt out of the poem in which Thursday trapped him, and it will do almost anything to achieve this - but bribing the ChronoGuard? Is that possible? Having barely caught her breath after The Eyre Affair, Thursday must battle corrupt politicians, try to save the world from extinction, and help the Neanderthals to species self-determination. Mastadon migrations, journeys into Just William, a chance meeting with the Flopsy Bunnies, and violent life-and-death struggles in the summer sales are all part of a greater plan. But whose? and why?

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1 12
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2 69
2.5 18
3 414
3.5 138
4 1160
4.5 123
5 849

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