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Greek (Modern) I, Comprehensive: Learn to Speak and Understand Modern Greek with Pimsleur Language Programs

door Pimsleur

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Greek is the official language of Greece and one of the official languages of Cyprus. Many modern scientific and technical words in English are derived from Greek, and it has been estimated that 12% of the English vocabulary is of Greek origin. This course teaches Modern Greek. The Pimsleur® Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun. Youe(tm)ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! Greek I, Comprehensive includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of reading instruction in thirty, 30-minute lessons. In the first 10 lessons, youe(tm)ll cover the basics: saying hello, asking for or giving information, scheduling a meal or a meeting, asking for or giving basic directions, and much more. Youe(tm)ll be able to handle minimum courtesy requirements, understand much of what you hear, and be understood at a beginning level, but with near-native pronunciation skills. In the next 10 lessons, youe(tm)ll build on what youe(tm)ve learned. Expand your menu, increase your scheduling abilities from general to specific, start to deal with currency and exchanging money, refine your conversations and add over a hundred new vocabulary items. Youe(tm)ll understand more of what you hear, and be able to participate with speech that is smoother and more confident. In the final 10 lessons, youe(tm)ll be speaking and understanding at an intermediate level. In this phase, more directions are given in the target language, which moves your learning to a whole new plane. Lessons include shopping, visiting friends, going to a restaurant, plans for the evening, car trips, and talking about family. Youe(tm)ll be able to speak comfortably about things that happened in the past and make plans for the future. Reading Lessons are included at the end of this unit. These lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to give you practice reading Greek and to provide vocabulary. Before you know it, youe(tm)ll be reading Greek with the ease and flexibility of a native speaker. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format.… (meer)
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Greek is the official language of Greece and one of the official languages of Cyprus. Many modern scientific and technical words in English are derived from Greek, and it has been estimated that 12% of the English vocabulary is of Greek origin. This course teaches Modern Greek. The Pimsleur® Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun. Youe(tm)ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! Greek I, Comprehensive includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of reading instruction in thirty, 30-minute lessons. In the first 10 lessons, youe(tm)ll cover the basics: saying hello, asking for or giving information, scheduling a meal or a meeting, asking for or giving basic directions, and much more. Youe(tm)ll be able to handle minimum courtesy requirements, understand much of what you hear, and be understood at a beginning level, but with near-native pronunciation skills. In the next 10 lessons, youe(tm)ll build on what youe(tm)ve learned. Expand your menu, increase your scheduling abilities from general to specific, start to deal with currency and exchanging money, refine your conversations and add over a hundred new vocabulary items. Youe(tm)ll understand more of what you hear, and be able to participate with speech that is smoother and more confident. In the final 10 lessons, youe(tm)ll be speaking and understanding at an intermediate level. In this phase, more directions are given in the target language, which moves your learning to a whole new plane. Lessons include shopping, visiting friends, going to a restaurant, plans for the evening, car trips, and talking about family. Youe(tm)ll be able to speak comfortably about things that happened in the past and make plans for the future. Reading Lessons are included at the end of this unit. These lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to give you practice reading Greek and to provide vocabulary. Before you know it, youe(tm)ll be reading Greek with the ease and flexibility of a native speaker. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format.

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