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Valmiki's Daughter door Shani Mootoo
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Valmiki's Daughter (editie 2008)

door Shani Mootoo (Auteur)

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903310,223 (4.08)1
In Valmiki's Daughter, Giller Prize finalist and bestselling novelist Shani Mootoo returns to some of the themes she first explored in her breakout book, Cereus Blooms at Night, to offer a hugely entertaining and hypnotically beautiful family saga.The story centers on a wealthy Trinidadian family -- in particular, Valmiki, a renowned doctor and loving, if confused, father; and his youngest daughter, Viveka, lively, intelligent, and intent on escaping the gilded cage that protects but also smothers her. With this masterful novel, Mootoo peels back layers of prejudice to expose the complex interaction of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Discerning but non-judgmental, she eases us deep into the fascinating lives of her characters and creates a juicy, sexy, beautiful book, full of the vigorous stuff of life.… (meer)
Titel:Valmiki's Daughter
Auteurs:Shani Mootoo (Auteur)
Info:House of Anansi Pr (2008), Edition: First Printing, 398 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Valmiki's Daughter door Shani Mootoo

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Toon 3 van 3
  CaseyStepaniuk | Jun 21, 2012 |
Completely absorbing. Excellent treatment of gender and sexuality. Read it on the beach in Barbados. ( )
  becalee | Jul 21, 2011 |
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In Valmiki's Daughter, Giller Prize finalist and bestselling novelist Shani Mootoo returns to some of the themes she first explored in her breakout book, Cereus Blooms at Night, to offer a hugely entertaining and hypnotically beautiful family saga.The story centers on a wealthy Trinidadian family -- in particular, Valmiki, a renowned doctor and loving, if confused, father; and his youngest daughter, Viveka, lively, intelligent, and intent on escaping the gilded cage that protects but also smothers her. With this masterful novel, Mootoo peels back layers of prejudice to expose the complex interaction of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Discerning but non-judgmental, she eases us deep into the fascinating lives of her characters and creates a juicy, sexy, beautiful book, full of the vigorous stuff of life.

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Gemiddelde: (4.08)
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