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Never a Lady

door Marlene Suson

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Always a Lord Maximilian Chartwell made a deathbed promise that he would guard and protect his young cousin, the Duke of Penrose. He's not about to let a scheming American heiress trap the impressionable nobleman into marriage. Though Max heartily approves of an arranged marriage to a perfect lady, the beautifully daring and outspoken Virginia Blair is far from an acceptable candidate. Max will do whatever it takes to save his cousin from Virginia and her overbearing stepmother -- even if it means seducing the girl himself. Never a Lady Bound by family tradition, Virgie is resigned to endure her six-month sojourn in the cold aristocracy of England. Having sworn never to marry without love, she is shocked to learn of her stepmother's machinations to marry her to the Duke of Penrose. Though the duke's dashing but protective cousin Max doesn't believe for a minute that she is merely her stepmother's pawn, Virgie is unexplainably drawn to Max's brooding good looks and heroic demeanor. Too adventurous by far, Virgie knows she could never fulfill the role of a perfect lady. Is falling in love with Max and his loveless view of marriage to be her most dangerous escapade of all?… (meer)
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Always a Lord Maximilian Chartwell made a deathbed promise that he would guard and protect his young cousin, the Duke of Penrose. He's not about to let a scheming American heiress trap the impressionable nobleman into marriage. Though Max heartily approves of an arranged marriage to a perfect lady, the beautifully daring and outspoken Virginia Blair is far from an acceptable candidate. Max will do whatever it takes to save his cousin from Virginia and her overbearing stepmother -- even if it means seducing the girl himself. Never a Lady Bound by family tradition, Virgie is resigned to endure her six-month sojourn in the cold aristocracy of England. Having sworn never to marry without love, she is shocked to learn of her stepmother's machinations to marry her to the Duke of Penrose. Though the duke's dashing but protective cousin Max doesn't believe for a minute that she is merely her stepmother's pawn, Virgie is unexplainably drawn to Max's brooding good looks and heroic demeanor. Too adventurous by far, Virgie knows she could never fulfill the role of a perfect lady. Is falling in love with Max and his loveless view of marriage to be her most dangerous escapade of all?

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