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If you're not here, please raise your hand :…
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If you're not here, please raise your hand : poems about school (editie 1990)

door Kalli Dakos, G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)

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5811942,833 (4.2)2
An illustrated collection of poems about a variety of elementary school experiences.
Titel:If you're not here, please raise your hand : poems about school
Auteurs:Kalli Dakos
Andere auteurs:G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)
Info:New York : Four Winds Press, c1990.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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If You're Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand: Poems About School door Kalli Dakos (Author)

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1-5 van 19 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book is a collection of humorous poems about school.

Teachers can read poems from the book throughout the school year to entertain students. These poems will show students that other people share similar thoughts as themselves. A lot of the poems are relatable and can teach students some kind of lesson about appropriate school behavior. Students can write their own poems about their experiences and/or feelings in regard to school. ( )
  Tori.Okosun | Apr 22, 2018 |
If You're Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand is a cute poetry book that covers a multitude of relatable topics for students and teachers. Teachers can use the poems in this book to inspire students to write their own poems about their school experience. These poems can also show students that they are not alone in the experiences they are facing. ( )
  Katherine.Boykins | Apr 21, 2018 |
"If You're Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand" is full of silly, exaggerative poems and rhymes. From "They don't do math in Texas" to "A lifetime in third grade", Kalli Dakos' childlike voice and imagination really shines in this poem book about school.

It is great for teaching a lesson on finding meaning in the text, because some of the poems use metaphors to describe how the students feel. ( )
  Virginiaaaa | Nov 15, 2017 |
This short poetry book consists of thirty-eight poems that relate to young children and their never ending school days. It talks a lot about children and their situations at school. This would be a great poem book for third graders to look at. ( )
  MollyMcConaughey | Apr 20, 2017 |
• Summary of content/review: This collection of poems about school is humorous and lighthearted.
• Evaluation: This is a collection of rhyming poems that coveys the lighthearted and funny tone of the collection.
• Target audience: 1st-3rd grades
• Connection to classroom: I would use this during the beginning of the school year to get kids excited for the upcoming school year.

Genre: Humorous Poetry

RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

Classification: Poetry
  Nall0705 | Oct 31, 2014 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Dakos, KalliAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Karas, G. BrianIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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An illustrated collection of poems about a variety of elementary school experiences.

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Gemiddelde: (4.2)
3 3
3.5 1
4 4
4.5 1
5 6

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