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Jacksonville (Images of America: Illinois)

door Betty Carlson Kay, Gary Jack Barwick

Reeksen: Images of America [Arcadia] (Illinois)

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The history of Jacksonville, Illinois, is a collection of traditions. A small town with a big heart, Jacksonville nurtures her traditions unconsciously. Delightfully renovated homes, physical growth at two colleges, strong support of voluntary organizations, and excellence in education are some measures of the traditions that originated 175 years ago. Frontier Illinois was settled from the bottom up. Towns like Springfield, Jacksonville, Vandalia, and Kaskaskia sprouted in the early 1800s. Jacksonville was the destination for so many people that, for several years, it had more citizens than Chicago, and it had high hopes of becoming the most important city in Illinois. Early on, the citizens of this new town recognized the need for religious and educational facilities. Through the years, the name Jacksonville became synonymous with education, and, with two colleges, three major state institutions, and public and private schools, that emphasis on education continues to this day. Higher education, the development of literary societies, and the welcoming of new businesses are all parts of the Jacksonville tradition, and there are few towns that can boast of such a solid, continuous drive for self-improvement.… (meer)
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Betty Carlson Kayprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Barwick, Gary Jackprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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The history of Jacksonville, Illinois, is a collection of traditions. A small town with a big heart, Jacksonville nurtures her traditions unconsciously. Delightfully renovated homes, physical growth at two colleges, strong support of voluntary organizations, and excellence in education are some measures of the traditions that originated 175 years ago. Frontier Illinois was settled from the bottom up. Towns like Springfield, Jacksonville, Vandalia, and Kaskaskia sprouted in the early 1800s. Jacksonville was the destination for so many people that, for several years, it had more citizens than Chicago, and it had high hopes of becoming the most important city in Illinois. Early on, the citizens of this new town recognized the need for religious and educational facilities. Through the years, the name Jacksonville became synonymous with education, and, with two colleges, three major state institutions, and public and private schools, that emphasis on education continues to this day. Higher education, the development of literary societies, and the welcoming of new businesses are all parts of the Jacksonville tradition, and there are few towns that can boast of such a solid, continuous drive for self-improvement.

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