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Great Year-Round Grilling in the Southwest: *The Flavors * The Culinary Traditions * The Techniques

door Ellen Brown

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It took more than two hundred years after this country's political revolution to break free from the dominance of European cuisines, and begin to revel in our uniquely American culinary history. Prior to the last few decades, American cuisine was considered an offshoot of tourism; you ate tacos in Tucson and crab cakes on the Chesapeake Bay. But all of that has changed, and this series of books will celebrate the diversity of American regional cooking by exploring its flavours as they relate to grilled food. Each of the five volumes contains more than 300 recipes (including variations), and is proof of the old adage that "everything tastes better when cooked outdoors." While the focus of the books is on main courses, there are also chapters which make it possible to grill hors d'oeuvres for a cocktail party, grill ingredients for a soup or to top a salad, and grill a pizza - either a savoury one or a sweet one for dessert.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorProfSharon, BorrowOurBooks
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It took more than two hundred years after this country's political revolution to break free from the dominance of European cuisines, and begin to revel in our uniquely American culinary history. Prior to the last few decades, American cuisine was considered an offshoot of tourism; you ate tacos in Tucson and crab cakes on the Chesapeake Bay. But all of that has changed, and this series of books will celebrate the diversity of American regional cooking by exploring its flavours as they relate to grilled food. Each of the five volumes contains more than 300 recipes (including variations), and is proof of the old adage that "everything tastes better when cooked outdoors." While the focus of the books is on main courses, there are also chapters which make it possible to grill hors d'oeuvres for a cocktail party, grill ingredients for a soup or to top a salad, and grill a pizza - either a savoury one or a sweet one for dessert.

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