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Stone Kiss (Peter Decker & Rina Lazarus)…
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Stone Kiss (Peter Decker & Rina Lazarus) (origineel 2003; editie 2002)

door Faye Kellerman (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,1171318,780 (3.66)7
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:

When a Manhattan rabbi is brutally murdered, an LAPD officer and his wife begin a dangerous mission to save a young girl from kidnapping — and investigate a deadly new case that puts them both at great peril.

Rina Lazarus has some shocking news for her husband, LAPD Lieutenant Peter Decker. A horrible murder has occurred in the family of his half-brother, Rabbi Jonathan Levin. The rabbi's brother-in-law was found slain in a seedy hotel room in upper Manhattan, and the victim's 15-year-old niece, with whom he was spending the day, is missing. Decker, with Rina at his side, immediately heads out to New York to assist in the investigation. But what starts out as simple inquiries soon evolves into a twisted and perilous journey — from the darkened slums of New Jersey and the deserted industrial streets of New York to the recesses of sexual perversity and the hidden meeting places of Hasidic outcasts.
Thrust into a deadly maze of deceit, lies, and danger, the couple can no longer trust anyone — friend or family. And when salvation is finally within Decker's grasp, it can only be delivered by a depraved lone wolf, hell-bent on his own personal vengeance.

.… (meer)
Titel:Stone Kiss (Peter Decker & Rina Lazarus)
Auteurs:Faye Kellerman (Auteur)
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2002), 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Een stenen omhelzing door Faye Kellerman (2003)

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1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Decker family travels to NY to help half brother's in-laws
  ritaer | Jun 29, 2021 |
Let me start by saying this is definitely not one of of the best of the Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus mysteries by Faye Kellerman. Stone Kiss is the fourteenth of the series and builds on a character from Justice, an earlier novel featuring a colorful character named Chris Donatti. I recently decided to reread the books involving this complex character and his love/hate relationship with Peter Decker. So I won't recommend this as a starting point for anyone just starting the series. I recommend starting with Ritual Bath, the first of the series.

Lt. Decker is asked by his brother, Jonathan, an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, to come to New York to help find the murderer of his brother-in-law. Peter and his wife Rina had planned a vacation, but they take this side trip to help family. The mystery actually gets overshadowed by the complexity of the relationships and the conscienceless Donatti. It's easy to see who the murderer is but the real draw here is the relationship between Peter and Chris. I enjoy the Jewish aspect and perspective of these books. I found the references to the Orthodox Jewish community to be quite interesting and I think the author did a good job in presenting them as whole characters, not all good or all bad.

Chris is definitely sadistic, egocentric and psychopathic. I like the way the author does show us his 1Cbetter 1D side making us wonder if inside this brutal man there's an abused child trying to connect with Decker. ( )
  Olivermagnus | Jul 2, 2020 |
Decker is called l to NYC to aid his found Jewish family when one of their members is found naked and dead. He runs into a veritable mishegoss of Orthodox and Conservative Jewish angst and guilt. He turns to Chris Donatti for assistance with the usual violence and accumulation of dead bodies that results from such contact. Much introspection by the Lieutenant before he can accept a final solution. ( )
  jamespurcell | May 29, 2017 |
Let me start by saying this is definitely not one of of the best of the Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus mysteries by Faye Kellerman. Stone Kiss is the fourteenth of the series and builds on a character from Justice, an earlier novel featuring a colorful character named Chris Donatti. I recently decided to reread the books involving this complex character and his love/hate relationship with Peter Decker. So I won't recommend this as a starting point for anyone just starting the series. I recommend starting with Ritual Bath, the first of the series.

Lt. Decker is asked by his brother, Jonathan, an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, to come to New York to help find the murderer of his brother-in-law. Peter and his wife Rina had planned a vacation, but they take this side trip to help family. The mystery actually gets overshadowed by the complexity of the relationships and the conscienceless Donatti. It's easy to see who the murderer is but the real draw here is the relationship between Peter and Chris. I enjoy the Jewish aspect and perspective of these books. I found the references to the Orthodox Jewish community to be quite interesting and I think the author did a good job in presenting them as whole characters, not all good or all bad.

Chris is definitely sadistic, egocentric and psychopathic. I like the way the author does show us his “better” side making us wonder if inside this brutal man there's an abused child trying to connect with Decker. ( )
  Olivermagnus | Jan 17, 2016 |
I found it too Jewish. Not that that is bad but it made the book difficult for me to follow at times. ( )
  DF | Sep 6, 2015 |
1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (12 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Faye Kellermanprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Guidall, GeorgeVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Powell, KarenArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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For Jonathan—
thirty fabulous years with the guy, his cars, and lots of guitars.

For Jesse, Rachel, Ilana, and Aliza—
from kids to wise adults, thanks for all the excitement along the way.

And for Barney Karpfinger—
for eighteen years of service par excellence and invaluable friendship. What a great ride it has been!
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It was the stunned, pale look of bad news.
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:

When a Manhattan rabbi is brutally murdered, an LAPD officer and his wife begin a dangerous mission to save a young girl from kidnapping — and investigate a deadly new case that puts them both at great peril.

Rina Lazarus has some shocking news for her husband, LAPD Lieutenant Peter Decker. A horrible murder has occurred in the family of his half-brother, Rabbi Jonathan Levin. The rabbi's brother-in-law was found slain in a seedy hotel room in upper Manhattan, and the victim's 15-year-old niece, with whom he was spending the day, is missing. Decker, with Rina at his side, immediately heads out to New York to assist in the investigation. But what starts out as simple inquiries soon evolves into a twisted and perilous journey — from the darkened slums of New Jersey and the deserted industrial streets of New York to the recesses of sexual perversity and the hidden meeting places of Hasidic outcasts.
Thrust into a deadly maze of deceit, lies, and danger, the couple can no longer trust anyone — friend or family. And when salvation is finally within Decker's grasp, it can only be delivered by a depraved lone wolf, hell-bent on his own personal vengeance.


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Gemiddelde: (3.66)
1 4
1.5 1
2 5
2.5 1
3 40
3.5 14
4 43
4.5 2
5 26

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