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Natural Wonders of the Jersey Pines and Shore

door Robert A. Peterson

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With Natural Wonders of the Jersey Pines and Shore, the late Robert A. Peterson may well have written the most compelling book ever about his beloved southern New Jersey. Peterson (Patriots, Pirates, and Pineys) possessed an insatiable curiosity about the natural world and its human participants, along with an amazing capacity to learn about and to retain hundreds of fascinating, little known facts. While the breadth and depth of his knowledge was extraordinary, Peterson was equally gifted as a storyteller. His enthusiasm for South Jersey's flora, fauna, people, places, and natural forces comes through, contagiously, in every one of the book's fifty-seven vignettes.In order to produce a book that would be both informative and visually engaging, Peterson joined forces with one of the region's most celebrated nature photographers, Michael A. Hogan. Nearly 200 of Hogan's striking images bring Peterson's myriad topics to brilliant life, augmented by the superb and sensitive work of Steve Greer'another award-winning South Jersey-based photographer.Natural Wonders of the Jersey Pines and Shore is a beautiful and informative book that is guaranteed to inspire, surprise, and delight. For anyone who loves the nature and natural history of southern New Jersey, this is a book to treasure.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorImhofDonation2023, PlexusPubUSA, hozikm
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With Natural Wonders of the Jersey Pines and Shore, the late Robert A. Peterson may well have written the most compelling book ever about his beloved southern New Jersey. Peterson (Patriots, Pirates, and Pineys) possessed an insatiable curiosity about the natural world and its human participants, along with an amazing capacity to learn about and to retain hundreds of fascinating, little known facts. While the breadth and depth of his knowledge was extraordinary, Peterson was equally gifted as a storyteller. His enthusiasm for South Jersey's flora, fauna, people, places, and natural forces comes through, contagiously, in every one of the book's fifty-seven vignettes.In order to produce a book that would be both informative and visually engaging, Peterson joined forces with one of the region's most celebrated nature photographers, Michael A. Hogan. Nearly 200 of Hogan's striking images bring Peterson's myriad topics to brilliant life, augmented by the superb and sensitive work of Steve Greer'another award-winning South Jersey-based photographer.Natural Wonders of the Jersey Pines and Shore is a beautiful and informative book that is guaranteed to inspire, surprise, and delight. For anyone who loves the nature and natural history of southern New Jersey, this is a book to treasure.

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