Afbeelding van de auteur.

Helen Prejean

Auteur van Dead Man Walking

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Fotografie: Eye on Books


Werken van Helen Prejean

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
St. Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans, LA (B.A., English and Education, 1962)
St. Paul's University, Ottawa, Canada (M.A., Religious Education, 1973)
Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille
Death Penalty Discourse Network
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
Abolitionist Award from the Louisiana Capitol Defense Project (1986)
Sanctity of Life Award from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1990)
Mike McGough Award from the Convocation of Jail and Prison Ministers (1990)
National Abolitionist Award, National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (1992)
Herbert and Sara Ehrmann Award, Massachusetts Citizens Against the Death Penalty (1993)
Champion of Liberty Award,National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (1994) (toon alle 56)
Isaac Hecker Award for Social Justice, Paulist Center, Boston, MA (1994)
Abolitionist Award, Death Penalty Focus, California (1994)
"Esse non Videre" award ("To be and not to seem" ∙ 1994)
National Civil Liberties Award, American Civil Liberties Union (1994)
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Award,Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights (1994)
New Orleans Business Women's Owners Association Achievers Award; Citizen of the Year Award, Louisiana Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (1995)
Wade Mackie Award Peacemaking Award, Bienville House, Baton Rouge. Louisiana (1995)
Honorary Doctorate (Law ∙ University of Glasgow ∙ Scotland ∙ 1995)
Justice Albert Tate, Jr. Award, National Association of Defense Lawyers (1995)
Guggenheim Fellowship (1995)
Torchbearer Award, Dominican College in New Orleans, LA (1996)
Laetare Medal (1996)
St Thomas More Award, St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, Texas (1996)
Vision 2000 Courage Award, Catholic Charities U.S.A (1996)
Roger Baldwin Award, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts (1996)
Eyewitness Award, Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty (1996)
Adele Dewyer - St. Thomas of Villanova Peace Award, Villanova University Center for Peace and Justice (1996)
Florida Lasker Civil Liberties Award, New York Civil Liberties Union (1996)
Pope Paul VI Teacher of Peace Award, Pax Christi USA (1996)
Honorary Doctorate (Mt. St. Vincent College ∙ 1997)
Carondelet Medal, Mt. St. Mary College, Los Angeles, California (1997)
Honorary Doctorate (Amherst College ∙ 1997)
Louisiana Legends Award, Louisiana Public Broadcasting (1997)
Ben Smith Award, American Civil Liberties Union (1998)
Robert O. Cooper Fellowship in Peace and Justice Award (1998)
Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa (1998)
Catholic Woman of Achievement Award, College of St. Elizabeth in New Jersey (1999)
U.S. Catholic Award, U.S. Catholic Magazine (1999)
Pope John XXII Award, Viterbo College, La Crosse, Wisconsin (1999)
Alumna of the Year Award, St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada (1999)
Distinguished Service Award, National Council of Catholic Women (1999)
Centennial Catholic Woman of Achievement Award, Lourdes College, Sylvania, Ohio (1999)
Centennial Catholic Woman of Achievement Award, St. Norbert College, DePerre, Wisconsin (1999)
Bishop Dingman Peace Award, Catholic Peace Ministry, Des Moines, Iowa (2000)
Bishop Carroll Dozier Peace and Justice Award, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (2000)
Human Rights Award, The St. Anthony Messenger, Padua, Italy (2000)
Harry F. Fagan Roundtable Award (2001)
Ut Diligatis Invicem Award, Gannon University, Erie, PA (2002)
Caritas Award, Catholic Charities (2002)
Dignitas Humana Award, St. John's School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, MN (2002)
Franciscan International Award, Franciscan Retreats, Prior Lake, MN (2003)
Cardinal Suenens Award, John Carroll University in University Heights, OH (2004)
Chief Justice Earl Warren Civil Liberties Award, ACLU Foundation of Northern California (2005)
Oliver-Sigur Humanitarian Service Award, Louisiana Council of Human Relations (2005)
Death Penalty Focus Award (2005)
Peace Prize of the City of Ypres, France (2005)
Standard for Christ Award, Jesuit Volunteer Corps: South, TX (2006)
Chancellor Distinguish Honor Award, University of California-Berkley (2006)
Humanitarian Award, DePaul University, College of Law, Chicago, IL (2006)
Zhakanaka Peace Award, “Peace in the City” Campaign, Philadelphia, PA (2007 (2007)



Murtra | Jun 3, 2021 |
i think this was probably really important at the time. maybe it's even still important, because i doubt that much has changed around the general statistics (even if executions are less common - although i really don't know if they are or not). certainly the issues of racial and economic inequality in capital punishment (and in the legal system in general) remain the same.

i really appreciate that she hasn't chosen as examples men on death row who are actually innocent (although how specifically guilty i suppose is in question). because her point isn't that innocent people are killed by the government (although it's true, they are), or that rehabilitation is possible (although it is). her point is simply that if it's wrong for these men to have killed (and of course it is), then it's also wrong for the state or the government to do the same (and of course it is). she shows the humanity of both sides, of the victims' families as well as the murderers and their families. she is also really honest about how she felt and the assumptions and mistakes she made along the way.

i wish the telling was a bit more polished. it's disjointed at times and inconsistent with tenses, but shows potential for a really compelling narrative. that said, the more i write about it, the more i think this was well done, even though it didn't feel particularly so as i was reading it.

"The mandate [for the Catholic Church] to practice social justice is unsettling because taking on the struggles of the poor invariably means challenging the wealthy and those who serve their [the Church's] interests."

"She pointed out that to claim to be apolitical or neutral in the face of such injustices would be, in actuality, to uphold the status quo - a very political position to take, and on the side of the oppressors."
… (meer)
overlycriticalelisa | 17 andere besprekingen | Jan 21, 2021 |
I missed this back in the 90s when it was a blockbuster film, but read it recently to prepare to see the opera version. I'm glad I'm in the loop now. Sr. Helen's personal account of spiritually advising men on death row in Louisiana was eye-opening and inspirational. For those who espouse the pro-life movement, this book challenges the dignity and worth of every life. It also exposes flaws in the judicial and prison system where death row inmates are disproportionately poor and of color. What I liked best though was how personal Prejean made this and how willing she was to enter into the darkest moments of another's life and try to lead them to light, not conversion per se, but to understanding and to right relationships. I know she has faced criticism for her role in this issue, but she is a much-needed voice of personal experience and humanity. What is most admirable was how she "fell" into this calling and didn't turn away from it, ultimately changing her life's course and focus. Her strength, faith and love are amazing.… (meer)
CarrieWuj | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 24, 2020 |
Read it so long ago but I remember its effect on me. Well and simply written, it's a powerful portrayal of several death row inmates by Sister Helen, who did not believe anyone was all bad. I don't either. With Helen, I don't believe a person should be remembered for the one worst thing he or she did in her or his life.
slojudy | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 8, 2020 |



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