Colin Wells (verduidelijking)

"Colin Wells" is samengesteld uit ten minste 5 verschillende auteurs, onderscheiden door hun werken.

Over de Auteur

Bevat de namen: Colin Well, Colin Wells


Algemene kennis

#1 Colin Wells is the author of "A Brief History of British Mountaineering".

#2 Colin Wells (born 22 Nov 1960) is the author of "Sailing from Byzantium".

#3 Colin John Wells (born 1963) is a barrister, author of "Abuse of process".

#4 Colin Wells (born 25 Jul 1965) is the author of "The Devil and Doctor Dwight".

#5 Colin Michael Wells, (1933-11-15 to 2010-03-11), classicist, archaeologist and historian is the author of "The Roman Empire"; also professor Trinity University.