The Flume: NH Teen Reader's Choice Award
Uitgereikt door New Hampshire Library Association YALS
Andere Namen: Flume Award (Engels), New Hampshire Flume Award (Engels)
205 Werken / 210 Items 1,081,022 boeken 47,202 Besprekingen 3.9
The Flume: NH Teen Reader's Choice Award was created in 2005 in response to a New Hampshire teen's request to have a book award geared towards high school students. This award is a state-wide toon meer venture led by a collaborative effort from school and public librarians. Each year teens nominate titles, published within the last two years, they think deserve to be recognized. Librarians then narrow the group of titles to a list of 13. Teens in grades 9-12 then vote for the winning title from the list of 13.
Titles must be nominated by teens in grades 9-12, can be fiction or nonfiction books, with appeal to this age group. They must have a publication date within the last two years. If the book is part of a series, it must be able to stand alone, meaning a reader doesn't have to read the other books in the series to understand what's going on. toon minder
Titles must be nominated by teens in grades 9-12, can be fiction or nonfiction books, with appeal to this age group. They must have a publication date within the last two years. If the book is part of a series, it must be able to stand alone, meaning a reader doesn't have to read the other books in the series to understand what's going on. toon minder
Winner 17
Runner-Up 4
Nominee 194
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