Christchurch City Libraries Best of the Year - Tamariki
Uitgereikt door Christchurch City Libraries Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi
Andere Namen: Best of the Year - Tamariki (Engels)
582 Werken / 585 Items 113,073 boeken 2,919 Besprekingen 4.0
Here is a selection of the best new titles for kids and young adults added to our collection each year. You will find something here to excite, enthuse, enthral and inform.
Top Leden
davidgn (149 werken), hapa.librarian (125), SWONlibraries (102), JeanLittleLibrary (101), Caralen (86), Conway_Library (68), JennyArch (64), BC_ERC (61), Christa_Josh (61), LadyKnightLibrarian (56), RLNunezKPL (54), Mel-Mel (53), KensalRiseLibrary (50), Artur-Bobinski (48), BCDlibrary (46), BackstoryBooks (44), arak (43), skullduggery (40), DestDest (39), LeosLibrary (33), melodyreads (33), coveschool (32), KeithKron (32), LibrarianMaven (32), RHCB (32), fernandie (31), nyobombshell (30), csfoster (29), kerribrary (28), StayerLibrary (28), kday_working (27), ShellyPorter (27), starbookworm (27), GiftLakeSchool (26), kyurenka (26), LMS_Library (26), blbooks (25), CatB (25), eduscapes (24), jocainster (24), karenkidd (24), kwagnerroberts (24), NightMarily (24), stals (23), AndreaVJ (22), clrichm (22), jennybeast (22), nancyheiss (22), Owlpower (22), SESchend (22), SimonKSmith (22), amyjuengst (21), BryantBaird (21), villemezbrown (21), dsadma13 (20), greenfieldpl (20), JenniferTeen (20), MountainSunrise (20), theEcole (20), alo1224 (19), Andy5185 (19), bethsand (19), bookwyrmqueen (19), Flemming-Library (19), jbarry (19), Linyarai (19), MDGentleReader (19), Pages_Aplenty (19), CastiLibrary (18), ejmam (18), EmilyBarrett177 (18), hooligansmama (18), kteacherSC (18), LSA-Library (18), mhaloin (18), MiddleWayEducation (18), mistfantasy (18), RoshReviews (18), SlateLibrary (18), ALHS_Library (17), buddingnaturalist (17), cpatrick (17), CSDSpringAuction2024 (17), EnfieldCCLibrary (17), eo206 (17), jcm790 (17), kleahey (17), librarian515 (17), LibrarianDest (17), LibrarianRyan (17), logcablib (17), MollyGilroyOlivo (17), mted2000 (17), Brenda_K (16), cherylmorton (16), DWEmma (16), Ebrietas (16), edockery (16), hnygren (16), kiwifoster (16), Law_Books600 (16), legrande (16), liftcaptoload (16), meserveylibrary (16), Spoto-Media (16), True54Blue (16), woodenspoon (16), benitastrnad (15), beserene (15), bfplteen (15), Briars_Reviews (15), ChildrensLibraryLady (15), elebris (15), EuronerdLibrarian (15), ewyatt (15), janegend (15), kitcaswe (15), manateeliz (15), meckert13 (15), RyanNHML (15), theodarling (15), traceyrox74 (15), Whisper1 (15), wisemetis (15), A.Bond (14), bibliovermis (14), bkladyatl (14), BookDragon91 (14), JCJPINK (14), justawaywithfairies (14), klobrien2 (14), LadyLast (14), MissJ. (14), MitziShirk (14), MrsVW (14), mslibrarynerd (14), Salsabrarian (14), SPDS-Library (14), tapestry100 (14), _missnomer_ (14), agenbiteofinwit (13), amy.lee.sheng (13), burkegardner (13), Casey.Woodard (13), cmlfbiblioteca (13), compskibook (13), JacobMahoney (13), LibraryPerilous (13), lmackiewicz (13), magiclibrarian99 (13), marnocat (13), NCSCL (13), poornima27 (13), prengel90 (13), Scriptarchiver (13), sloth852 (13), smiteme (13)
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