Canada Reads
Uitgereikt door Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
130 Werken / 132 Items 224,764 boeken 7,979 Besprekingen 4.0
These are the nominees and winners of the annual Canada Reads contest, hosted by the CBC since 2002.
Winner 23
Nominee 129
Top Leden
mkkaufman (121 werken), buriedinprint (114), Yells (104), LynnB (93), alo1224 (91), macphear (85), gypsysmom (83), LibraryCin (79), emaestra (62), ZaraD.Garcia-Alvarez (60), musecure (59), georgebexley (58), bookmess (57), mathgirl40 (56), reluctantm (55), bhowell (54), marybx (54), beninck (53), bookishbill (53), IamAleem (52), raidergirl3 (50), xicanti (50), cns1000 (49), Rdra1962 (49), TheBookJunky (49), torontoc (48), unaluna (48), Clio12 (47), funky_george (47), HannahJo (47), apodispub (46), Schatje (46), JooniperD (45), Judebird (45), nathalieafoy (45), Nickelini (45), Rtnrlfy24 (45), Yardape (45), avk88 (44), canreader (44), monnibo (44), rodrick (44), BCbookjunky (42), kjhill45 (42), urban_lenny (42), mkunruh (41), RLNunezKPL (41), SaraJudith (41), arcona (40), ehelmke (40), Lexicographer (40), Luetzen (40), mdoris (40), meandLaRu (40), ticalibrary (40), yulischeidt (40), fledglingphoenix (39), LDVoorberg (39), PaperboundPeregrine (39), VivienneR (39), L-Anne (38), PamelaReads (38), PaulCranswick (38), bucketofrhymes (37), DidIReallyReadThat (37), Iudita (37), loosha (37), pdebolt (37), vancouverdeb (37), figsfromthistle (36), kylebrough (36), Lionman10 (36), ripleyy (36), KSpeicher (35), RosanaDR (35), xaverie (35), HLeakey (34), jwilder (34), LynnPattern (34), mamabear54 (34), MarkusV (34), Moppette (34), Rivaton (34), ShelfMonkey (34), alexandrayarrow (33), billnad (33), Cecilturtle (33), Chatterbox (33), girlscan2 (33), lavergne_rsl (33), MeChristie (33), ParadisePorch (33), RealLifeReading (33), Samallama (33), Smiler69 (33), SoschaF (33), souci (33), Bambean (32), booker4 (32), Jenni_Canuck (32), katiekrug (32), laVermeer (32), marita_p (32), mffowler (32), RidgewayGirl (32), alcottacre (31), andrea_mcd (31), Bcteagirl (31), coralice (31), Dec31 (31), GerrysBookshelf (31), KBea (31), lamplight (31), nicolemaddock (31), Niecierpek (31), rabbitprincess (31), sangreal (31), suicidebybooks (31), sycoraxpine (31), UCVlibrary (31), vegetrendian (31), ariellaarbus (30), blueberry (30), chitchens (30), Citizenjoyce (30), c_why (30), Dgmknzgrl (30), Dorothy2012 (30), GlacioD (30), joelbutcher (30), KelMunger (30), LegoDruid (30), munchie13 (30), oosala (30), parasolofdoom (30), Phil-James (30), RaisingGeeks (30), schoenemann (30), starfishian (30), alaskabookworm (29), Andrew_MC (29), Cait86 (29), carlypancakes (29), cerievans1 (29), clamato (29), climbingtree (29), coopbooks (29), e-zReader (29), Ethaisa (29), MaggieFlo (29), mrinker (29), Boefie (28), BonnieP (28), bookcovers (28), charl08 (28), dcy (28), Ebba (28), elkiedee (28), janismack (28), Jaymeb (28), lkernagh (28), psychlops (28), Rachel31 (28), Richardina (28), srw (28), tokyoadam (28), wesmrlnd (28)
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