Texas 2x2 Reading List
Uitgereikt door Texas Library Association (TLA)
Andere Namen: TLA Texas 2x2 Reading List (Engels)
491 Werken 221,979 boeken 11,953 Besprekingen 4.1
These beautifully illustrated, often humorous and instructive volumes are the best of recent books meant for children 2 years old to grade two. Librarians serving on the Texas Library Association toon meer Children’s Round Table 2X2 Committee read hundreds of books before narrowing the list to these selected 20.
The 2×2 books on the list can be read to small children, as well as read by young readers. The list was developed to give parents, caregivers and teachers a curated list of quality books. These are excellent books for reading during story time at the library or school, at bedtime with a parent or grandparent or for fun at any time. toon minder
The 2×2 books on the list can be read to small children, as well as read by young readers. The list was developed to give parents, caregivers and teachers a curated list of quality books. These are excellent books for reading during story time at the library or school, at bedtime with a parent or grandparent or for fun at any time. toon minder
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