Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book AwardNominee
Uitgereikt door Indiana Library Federation
Andere Namen: Rosie Award (Engels)
647 Werken 1,797,958 boeken 61,326 Besprekingen 4.0
What is the Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book Award?
The Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book Award (Rosie Award) is chosen annually by students across Indiana in grades nine through toon meer twelve. Students at participating high schools and public libraries who read any of approximately 20 nominated books are eligible to rate each book they've read. Ballots are available on the Rosie website. The votes are tabulated each May, and the winner is announced.
The author of each year's award-winning book is invited to receive the Rosie Award in person at a special event sponsored by the Association for Indiana Media Educators and the Indiana Library Federation.
The purpose of the Rosie Award is to encourage high school students to read for fun. It also promotes cooperation between school administrators, media specialists, teachers and public librarians in broadening reading programs. Rosie promotes reading across the curriculum.
Who is Eliot Rosewater?
Eliot Rosewater is a recurring fictional character in Kurt Vonnegut's novels, including God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. Vonnegut is a famous Hoosier author who grew up in Indianapolis. This award was named to honor him and all Indiana writers. The award is often referred to as the "Rosie Award" or "Rosie." toon minder
Nominee 647
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