NCTE Adventuring with Books: A Booklist for Pre-K—Grade 6

Uitgereikt door National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

3,817 Werken / 3,818 Items 1,775,187 boeken 44,349 Besprekingen 4.1
Adventuring with Books (1950-2002) consists of books and supplementary pamphlets published by the National Council of Teachers of English and provides annotated bibilographies for books according toon meer to age level and genre--such as babies and toddlers, science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, social studies: nonfiction, science and mathematics: nonfiction, and more--to help teachers, librarians, and media specialists determine which books to include in their collections for children in elementary school. toon minder
Adventuring With Books: A Booklist for Pre-K-Grade 6 door Amy A. McClure
Recursively added13th Edition: 1999-2001
America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle door David A. Adler
13th Edition: 1999-2001
School Trouble for Andy Russell door David A. Adler
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Carnaval door George Ancona
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Down Cut Shin Creek: The Pack Horse Librarians of Kentucky door Kathi Appelt
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The $66 Summer door John Armistead
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Spirit of Endurance: The True Story of the Shackleton Expedition to the Antarctic door Jennifer Armstrong
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Mouse Letters: A Very First Alphabet Book door Jim Arnosky
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Wild and Swampy door Jim Arnosky
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bluestem door Frances Arrington
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Name on the Quilt : A Story of Remembrance door Jeannine Atkins
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Abigail Takes the Wheel (I Can Read Book 4) door Avi
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Prairie School door Avi
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Stealing South: A Story of the Underground Railroad door Katherine Ayres
13th Edition: 1999-2001
If Nathan Were Here door Mary Bahr
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Scientific Visualization (New Century Technology) door Christpopher Baker
13th Edition: 1999-2001
When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry... door Molly Bang
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Gift from the Sea door Kate Banks
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Howie Bowles, Secret Agent door Kate Banks
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Where Is Grandpa? door T. A. Barron
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Seal Island School door Susan Bartlett
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Kids On Strike! door Susan Campbell Bartoletti
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Winking, Blinking Sea door Mary Batten
13th Edition: 1999-2001
If You Had a Nose Like an Elephant's Trunk door Marion Dane Bauer
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dragon Bones and Dinosaur Eggs: A Photobiography of Explorer Roy Chapman Andrews door Ann Bausum
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Twister door Darleen Bailey Beard
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Halmoni's Day door Edna Coe Bercaw
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Marsh Music door Marianne Berkes
13th Edition: 1999-2001
In the Shade of the Nispero Tree door Carmen T. Bernier-Grand
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Shrinking Violet door Cari Best
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Handful of Dirt door Raymond Bial
13th Edition: 1999-2001
One-Room School door Raymond Bial
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Digging for Bird-Dinosaurs: An Expedition to Madagascar door Nic Bishop
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Madoulina: A Girl Who Wanted to Go to School door bognomojoel
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bravo, Maurice! door Rebecca Bond
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Day Eddie Met the Author door Louise Borden
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Good Luck, Mrs. K.! door Louise Borden
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Collision Course! Cosmic Impacts and Life on Earth door Fred Bortz
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Fun with the Molesons door Burny Bos
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Momma, Where Are You From? door Marie Bradby
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The International Space Station door Franklyn M. Branley
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Through My Eyes door Ruby Bridges
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Sky Memories door Pat Brisson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jake's Orphan door Peggy Brooke
13th Edition: 1999-2001
My Dad door Anthony Browne
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Arthur and the Poetry Contest door Marc Brown
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Arthur's Teacher Moves In (Arthur Adventure Series) door Marc Brown
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Ten Seeds door Ruth Brown
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Hank's Story door Jane Buchanan
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Days of Summer door Eve Bunting
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Memory String door Eve Bunting
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Rudi's Pond door Eve Bunting
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Perilous Journey of the Donner Party door Marian Calabro
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Mrs. McTats and Her Houseful of Cats door Alyssa Satin Capucilli
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Curse of a Winter Moon door Mary Casanova
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Truth About Great White Sharks door Mary M. Cerullo
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Woolly Mammoth: Life, Death, and Rediscovery door Windsor Chorlton
13th Edition: 1999-2001
If You Find a Rock door Peggy Christian
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Ramona's World door Beverly Cleary
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jake Drake: Know-It-All door Andrew Clements
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Landry News door Andrew Clements
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Quilt Alphabet door Lesa Cline-Ransome
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Satchel Paige door Lesa Cline-Ransome
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Uptown door Bryan Collier
13th Edition: 1999-2001
See You Soon Moon door Donna Conrad
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Fighting For Honor: Japanese Americans and World War II door Michael L. Cooper
13th Edition: 1999-2001
You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer door Shana Corey
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Getting Near to Baby door Audrey Couloumbis
13th Edition: 1999-2001
DK Space Encyclopedia door Heather Couper
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Wanderer door Sharon Creech
13th Edition: 1999-2001
See the Stars: Your First Guide to the Night Sky door Ken Croswell
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Face First door Priscilla Cummings
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Liberty door Lynn Curlee
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Mijn naam is Bud door Christopher Paul Curtis
13th Edition: 1999-2001
There's a Zoo on You door Kathy Darling
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The World at Her Fingertips: The Story of Helen Keller door Joan Dash
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Nowhere to Call Home door Cynthia DeFelice
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Salsa Stories door Lulu Delacre
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Journal of Ben Uchida: Citizen 13559, Mirror Lake Internment Camp, California, 1942 door Barry Denenberg
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dougal Dixon's Amazing Dinosaurs: The Fiercest, the Tallest, the Toughest, the Smallest door Dougal Dixon
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dog's Colorful Day: A Messy Story About Colors and Counting door Emma Dodd
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Mystery of the Hieroglyphs door Carol Donoughue
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Space Station Science: Life in Free Fall door Marianne J. Dyson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Where It Stops, Nobody Knows (Republished as: Joyride) door Amy Ehrlich
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Birchbark House door Louise Erdrich
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Big Yawn door Keith Faulkner
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Testing Miss Malarkey door Judy Finchler
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Weslandia door Paul Fleischman
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Relatively Speaking door Ralph Fletcher
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Pig Is Big door Douglas Florian
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild! door Mem Fox
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Hickory Chair door Lisa Rowe Fraustino
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Give Me Liberty!: The Story of the Declaration of Independence door Russell Freedman
13th Edition: 1999-2001
How Are You Peeling?: Foods with Moods door Saxton Freymann
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Joey Pigza Loses Control door Jack Gantos
13th Edition: 1999-2001
How to Talk to Your Cat door Jean Craighead George
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jellies: The Life of Jellyfish door Twig George
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Pumpkin Book door Gail Gibbons
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin door James Cross Giblin
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Nory Ryan's Song door Patricia Reilly Giff
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Experiments in Science: How Do Things Grow? door David Glover
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Special Fate: Chiune Sugihara: Hero of the Holocaust door Alison Leslie Gold
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Chimpanzees I Love: Saving Their World and Ours door Jane Goodall
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Nazi Germany : the face of tyranny door Ted Gottfried
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Osceola: Memories of a Sharecropper's Daughter door Alan Govenar
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Holding Up the Earth door Dianne Gray
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Owen Foote, Frontiersman door Stephanie Greene
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Stepping Out With Grandma Mac door Nikki Grimes
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Destiny door Vicki Grove
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bling blang door Woody Guthrie
13th Edition: 1999-2001
I Forgot My Shoes door Jessica Harper
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Place for Joey door Carol Flynn Harris
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World door James Haskins
12th Edition: 1996-1998; 13th Edition: 1999-2001
How Science Works: Learn the Science then Do the Project (How Science Works) door Nigel Hawkes
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A New Duck: My First Look at the Life Cycle of a Bird door Pamela Hickman
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A New Frog: My First Look at the Life Cycle of an Amphibian door Pamela Hickman
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Year of Miss Agnes door Kirkpatrick Hill
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Toot & Puddle: Puddle's ABC door Holly Hobbie
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jason's Gold door Will Hobbs
13th Edition: 1999-2001
It's Simple, Said Simon door Mary Ann Hoberman
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Our Only May Amelia door Jennifer L. Holm
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dancing In Cadillac Light door Kimberly Willis Holt
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Where Do You Sleep, Little one? door Patricia Hooper
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Breakout at the Bug Lab (Penguin Young Readers, Level 3) door Ruth Horowitz
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Seals on the Bus door Lenny Hort
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Everything on a Waffle door Polly Horvath
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Gate in the Wall door Ellen Howard
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Just Desserts Club door Johanna Hurwitz
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Wildlife Detectives: How Forensic Scientists Fight Crimes Against Nature door Donna M. Jackson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
My Mom is My Show-and-Tell door Dolores Johnson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Uncle Rain Cloud door Tony Johnston
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dear Mrs. Ryan, You're Ruining My Life door Jennifer B. Jones
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream door Deloris M. Jordan
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Color of My Words door Lynn Joseph
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Skullduggery door Kathleen Karr
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jubela door Cristina Kessler
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Little Miss Spider At Sunnypatch School door David Kirk
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Molly's in a mess door Suzy Kline
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Trial By Ice door K. M. Kostyal
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Hidden Worlds: Looking Through a Scientist's Microscope door Stephen Kramer
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Shooting For The Moon: The Amazing Life and Times of Annie Oakley door Stephen Krensky
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Lives of Extraordinary Women: Rulers, Rebels (and What the Neighbors Thought) door Kathleen Krull
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Faraway Home door Jane Kurtz
13th Edition: 1999-2001
River Friendly, River Wild door Jane Kurtz
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Roberto, The Insect Architect door Nina Laden
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jefferson's Children: The Story of One American Family door Shannon Lanier
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? door Bonnie Lass
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Lord of the Nutcracker Men door Iain Lawrence
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Destination Gold door Julie Lawson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Earthquake door Milly Lee
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dinosaurs to Dodos: An Encyclopedia of Extinct Animals door Don Lessem
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Darkness Over Denmark: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews door Ellen Levine
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Gorilla Walk door Ted Lewin
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Morgy Makes His Move door Maggie Lewis
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Summer Soldiers door Susan Hart Lindquist
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Art of Keeping Cool door Janet Taylor Lisle
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Freedom School, Yes! door Amy Littlesugar
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Tree of Hope door Amy Littlesugar
13th Edition: 1999-2001
One Lighthouse, One Moon door Anita Lobel
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Panther: Shadow of the Swamp door Jonathan London
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Love As Strong As Ginger door Lenore Look
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Astro Bunnies door Christine Loomis
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Aunt Clara Brown: Official Pioneer door Linda Lowery
13th Edition: 1999-2001
What! Cried Granny door Kate Lum
13th Edition: 1999-2001
One Lucky Girl door George Ella Lyon
13th Edition: 1999-2001
No More Nasty door Amy MacDonald
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Erandi's Braids door Antonio Hernandez Madrigal
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Story of Clocks and Calendars door Betsy Maestro
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Struggle for a Continent: The French and Indian Wars: 1689-1763 door Betsy Maestro
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Swimming with Hammerhead Sharks door Kenneth Mallory
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Wolves door Sandra Markle
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Lamp, the Ice, and the Boat Called Fish: Based on a True Story door Jacqueline Briggs Martin
13th Edition: 1999-2001
I Love You: A Rebus Poem door Jean Marzollo
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Snake door Chris Mattison
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Judy Moody door Megan McDonald
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nellie Lee Love, the Great Migration North, Chicago, Illinois, 1919 door Patricia C. Mckissack
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Girl of Kosovo door Alice Mead
13th Edition: 1999-2001
My Name Is Jorge: On Both Sides of the River door Jane Medina
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bloody Mary historische roman over de jeugdjaren van Mary Tudor, dochter van Henry VIII door Carolyn Meyer
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Grandpa's Gamble door Richard Michelson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Daddy Poems door John Micklos
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Mommy Poems door John Micklos
13th Edition: 1999-2001
River of Life door Debbie S. Miller
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Night Golf door William Miller
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Moses Goes to School door Isaac Millman
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Gus and Grandpa and Show-and-Tell door Claudia Mills
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Lizzie At Last door Claudia Mills
13th Edition: 1999-2001
You're a Brave Man, Julius Zimmerman door Claudia Mills
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Hope door Isabell Monk
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Snake Scientist door Sy Montgomery
13th Edition: 1999-2001
True Heart door Marissa Moss
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Blizzard!: The Storm That Changed America door Jim Murphy
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Pick-and-Shovel Poet: The Journeys of Pascal D'Angelo door Jim Murphy
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Wings door Christopher Myers
13th Edition: 1999-2001
At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess In Victorian England door Walter Dean Myers
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly door Walter Dean Myers
13th Edition: 1999-2001
De lange weg van Ailin Tao door Lensey Namioka
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Beyond Mayfield door Vaunda Michaeux Nelson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Baa!: The Most Interesting Book You’ll Ever Read about Genes and Cloning (Mysterious You) door Cynthia Pratt Nicolson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
John Blair and the Great Hinckley Fire door Josephine Nobisso
13th Edition: 1999-2001
In My Momma's Kitchen door Jerdine Nolen
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Hindenburg door Patrick O'Brien
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Moonpie and Ivy door Barbara O'Connor
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Here Comes Mother Goose door Iona Opie
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Adaline Falling Star door Mary Pope Osborne
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bedhead door Margie Palatini
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Graduation of Jake Moon door Barbara Park
13th Edition: 1999-2001
A Single Shard door Linda Sue Park
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Honest-to-Goodness Truth door Pat McKissack
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Alida's Song door Gary Paulsen
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Guts door Gary Paulsen
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Last Book in the Universe door Rodman Philbrick
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Weave Little Stars Into My Sleep: Native American Lullabies door Neil Philip
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters door Andrea Davis Pinkney
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Silent Thunder door Andrea Davis Pinkney
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess door Richard Platt
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Butterfly door Patricia Polacco
13th Edition: 1999-2001
First Day, Hooray! door Nancy Poydar
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dragon In The Sky (Junior Library Guild) door Laurence Pringle
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Promise Quilt door Candice F. Ransom
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Goodbye, Walter Malinski door Helen Recorvits
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Clara Schumann: Piano Virtuoso door Susanna Reich
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Young Naturalist's Pop-Up Handbook: Beetles door Matthew Reinhart
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Young Naturalist's Pop-Up Handbook: Butterflies door Matthew Reinhart
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dinosaur Named Sue: The Story of a Colossal Fossil door Pat Relf
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Thunder on the Plains: The Story of the American Buffalo door Ken Robbins
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Walking to the Bus-Rider Blues door Harriette Gillem Robinet
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Fantastic Frogs! door Fay Robinson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Strudel Stories door Joanne Rocklin
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth door Anne Rockwell
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Honoring Our Ancestors: Stories and Paintings by Fourteen Artists door Harriet Rohmer
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Octopus Under The Sea door Peter Roop
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Saint Makers: Contemporary Santeras y Santeros door Chuck Rosenak
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Silence in the Mountains door Liz Rosenberg
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Earth Cycles door Michael Elsohn Ross
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride door Pam Muñoz Ryan
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Esperanza Rising door Pam Muñoz Ryan
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Little Panda: The World Welcomes Hua Mei at the San Diego Zoo door Joanne Ryder
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Some Good News door Cynthia Rylant
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Marvin Redpost: A Magic Crystal? door Louis Sachar
13th Edition: 1999-2001
This Is the Rain door Lola M. Schaefer
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Peddler's Gift door Maxine Rose Schur
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Send One Angel Down door Virginia Frances Schwartz
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Drip! Drop!: How Water Gets to Your Tap door Barbara Seuling
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Einstein: Visionary Scientist door John B. Severance
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Preschool to the rescue door Judy Sierra
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep a Yarn About Wool door Teri Sloat
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Patty's Pumpkin Patch door Teri Sloat
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Kevin and His Dad door Irene Smalls
13th Edition: 1999-2001
When Moon Fell Down door Linda Smith
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Molly Bannaky door Chris K. Soentpiet
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Night Shift Daddy door Eileen Spinelli
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Last Child door Michael Spooner
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Madlenka door Peter Sís
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Cobweb Confession door George E. Stanley
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Hurry Freedom door Jerry Stanley
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Journey door Sarah Stewart
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Rain door Manya Stojic
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Second Escape of Arthur Cooper door Cynthia M. Stowe
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Grandfather's Christmas Tree door Keith Strand
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Mama Elizabeti door Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Picturing Lincoln: Famous Photographs That Popularized the President door George Sullivan
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Once A Wolf: How Wildlife Biologists Fought to Bring Back the Gray Wolf door Stephen Swinburne
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Bobcat door Stephen R. Swinburne
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat door Simms Taback
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Forging Freedom: A True Story of Heroism During The Holocaust door Hudson Talbott
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina door Maria Tallchief
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Your First Grandchild: Useful, touching and hilarious guide for first-time grandparents door Peggy Vance
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Secret to Freedom door Marcia K. Vaughan
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps door Andrea Warren
13th Edition: 1999-2001
We Rode the Orphan Trains door Andrea Warren
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Memories of Summer door Ruth White
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Freedom Summer door Deborah Wiles
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Making Waves door Barbara Williams
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Executioner's Daughter door Laura E. Williams
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Susan Laughs door Jeanne Willis
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Buzz door Janet S. Wong
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Rainbow Hand: Poems About Mothers And Children door Janet S. Wong
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Trip Back Home door Janet S. Wong
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Jubal's Wish door Audrey Wood
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Grandad's Prayers of the Earth door Douglas Wood
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Memory Coat door Elvira Woodruff
13th Edition: 1999-2001
The Other Side door Jacqueline Woodson
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Dream Soul door Laurence Yep
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Coolies door Yin
13th Edition: 1999-2001
Adventuring With Books: A Booklist for Pre-K-Grade 6 (Adventuring With Books, 12th ed) door Kathryn Mitchell Pierce
Recursively added12th Edition: 1996-1998
Why Are Pineapples Prickly? Questions Children Ask About Food door DK
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Go and Come Back door Joan Abelove
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet in Spanish and English door Alma Flor Ada
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Lizard and the Sun / La Lagartija y el Sol door Alma Flor Ada
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Easy Math Puzzles door David A. Adler
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man door David A. Adler
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Many Troubles of Andy Russell door David A. Adler
12th Edition: 1996-1998
A Picture Book of Thurgood Marshall door David A. Adler
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Love Letters door Arnold Adoff
12th Edition: 1996-1998
City Mouse - Country Mouse (And Two More Mouse Tales From Aesop) (An Easy-To-Read Folktale) door Aesop
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Stories of Life in Old Hawaii: A Literary Companion to the Hawaiians of Old door Roy Kakulu Alameida
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems = Jitomates Risueños y Otros Poemas de Primavera: Poems door Francisco X. Alarcon
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Arlene Alda's 1 2 3: What Do You See? door Arlene Alda
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Iron Ring door Lloyd Alexander
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Marianthe's Story: Painted Words and Spoken Memories door Aliki
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Anthology for the Earth door Judy Allen
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Vacuum Cleaners (Household History Series) door Elaine Marie Alphin
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Maya's Children: The Story of La Llorona door Rudolfo A. Anaya
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Barrio: José's Neighborhood door George Ancona
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Fiesta Fireworks door George Ancona
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Let's Dance! door George Ancona
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Mayeros door George Ancona
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Story of Basketball door Dave Anderson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Story of Football door Dave Anderson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Story of Golf door Dave Anderson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sean's War door Leone Castell Anderson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Lost in the War door Nancy Antle
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Staying Cool door Nancy Antle
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Prietita and the Ghost Woman = Prietita y la llorona door Gloria Anzaldúa
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cocoa Ice door Diana Karter Appelbaum
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Bat Jamboree door Kathi Appelt
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Navajo Long Walk door Nancy M Armstrong
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Bat door Caroline Arnold
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Stone Age Farmers Beside the Sea: Scotland's Prehistoric Village of Skara Brae door Caroline Arnold
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Stories in Stone: Rock Art Pictures by Early Americans door Caroline Arnold
12th Edition: 1996-1998
All About Rattlesnakes door Jim Arnosky
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cactus Poems door Frank Asch
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Good Night, Baby Bear door Frank Asch
12th Edition: 1996-1998
I Was a Third Grade Science Project door Mary Jane Auch
12th Edition: 1996-1998
My Sister's Rusty Bike door Jim Aylesworth
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Through the Night door Jim Aylesworth
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Ultimate soccer door Ivor Baddiel
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Peacebound Trains door Haemi Balgassi
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Baboon door Kate Banks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
101 Questions About the Seashore door Sy Barlowe
12th Edition: 1996-1998
No Mirrors in My Nana's House: Musical CD and Book door Ysaye M. Barnwell
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Things That Are Most in the World door Judi Barrett
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Tuba Lessons door T.C. Bartlett
12th Edition: 1996-1998
In The Heart of the Village: The World of the Indian Banyan Tree door Barbara Bash
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Safari door Robert Bateman
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Rules of the Road door Joan Bauer
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Bear's Hiccups (A Holiday House Reader, Level 2) door Marion Dane Bauer
12th Edition: 1996-1998
If You Were Born a Kitten door Marion Dane Bauer
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Way to Make Perfect Mountains: Native American Legends of Sacred Mountains door Byrd Baylor
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Space, Stars, Planets and Spacecraft (See & Explore Library) door Sue Becklake
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The King of Ireland's Son door Brendan Behan
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Island in the Sun [Illustrated Book] door Harry Belafonte
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Hosni the Dreamer: An Arabian Tale door Ehud Ben-Ezer
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Silent Stranger (An Avon Camelot Book) door Amanda Benton
12th Edition: 1996-1998
A Ride on Mother's Back: A Day of Baby Carrying around the World door Emery Bernhard
12th Edition: 1996-1998
First Palm Trees door James Berry
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup - Caldo, Caldo, Caldo door Diane Gonzales Bertrand
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Top Banana door Cari Best
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Well Wished door Franny Billingsley
12th Edition: 1996-1998
A Green Horn Blowing door David F. Birchman
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Under Our Skin: Kids Talk About Race door Debbie Holsclaw Birdseye
12th Edition: 1996-1998
This Is Figure Skating door Margaret Blackstone
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Akiak: A Tale From the Iditarod door Robert J. Blake
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Tracks in the Snow door Lucy Jane Bledsoe
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Tangerine door Edward Bloor
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Good Yontif A Picture Book of the Jewish Year door Rose Blue
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cat and Mouse in the Rain door Tomek Bogacki
12th Edition: 1996-1998
While a Tree Was Growing door Jane Bosveld
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Great Race door David Bouchard
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Starting with Space door Paulette Bourgeois
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Drumbeat...Heartbeat: A Celebration of the Powwow door Susan Braine
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Floating in Space door Franklyn M. Branley
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sweet Dried Apples: A Vietnamese Wartime Childhood door Rosemary Breckler
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Chibi: A True Story from Japan door Barbara Brenner
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Inside the Titanic door Hugh Brewster
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Hot fudge hero door Pat Brisson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra [sound recording] door Benjamin Britten
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Journey of English door Donna Brook
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Billy door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Boot door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cody (The Wolfbay Wings , No 3) door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
NBA By The Numbers door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Prince door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Shark door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Woodsie (Wolfbay Wings) door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Zip (Wolfbay Wings) door Bruce Brooks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Voices in the Park door Anthony Browne
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Rex and Lilly Schooltime (A Dino Easy Reader) door Laurie Krasny Brown
12th Edition: 1996-1998
When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death door Laurie Krasny Brown
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Arthur Writes a Story door Marc Brown
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Arthur's Mystery Envelope door Marc Brown
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cry Baby door Ruth Brown
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Arrow over the Door door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Bowman's Store: A Journey to Myself door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Children of the Longhouse door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Eagle Song door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Heart of a Chief door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Lasting Echoes: An Oral History of Native American People door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Tell Me a Tale: A Book about Storytelling door Joseph Bruchac
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Going Home door Eve Bunting
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Moonstick: The Seasons of the Sioux door Eve Bunting
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Pumpkin Fair door Eve Bunting
12th Edition: 1996-1998
So Far from the Sea door Eve Bunting
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Twinnies door Eve Bunting
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Your Move door Eve Bunting
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Walks Alone door Brian Burks
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cloudland door John Burningham
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Hey! Get Off Our Train door John Burningham
10th Edition: 1988-1992; 12th Edition: 1996-1998
Ant Plays Bear door Betsy Byars
12th Edition: 1996-1998
My Brother, Ant door Betsy Byars
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Cat's Colors door Jane Cabrera
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Teeny Tiny Teacher door Stephanie Calmenson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sooner door Patricia Calvert
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Dora's Box door Ann-Jeanet Campbell
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Starting School with an Enemy door Elisa Carbone
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Story of Chess (Little Pebbles) door Horacio Cardo
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Art of Eric Carle door Eric Carle
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Rupsje Nooitgenoeg door Eric Carle
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Mama and Papa Have a Store door Amelia Lau Carling
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sol a Sol: Original and Selected Bilingual Poems door Lori Marie Carlson
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Let's Count It Out, Jesse Bear door Nancy White Carlstrom
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Robert Louis Stevenson: Finding Treasure Island (Lerner Biographies) door Angelica Shirley Carpenter
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Nature of the Beast door Jan Carr
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Most Excellent: book of Dress Up with easy step-by step instructions for fantastic costumes door Moe Casey
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Solids, Liquids and Gases (Starting with Science) door Ontario Science Centre
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Rupa Raises the Sun door Marsha Wilson Chall
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Amistad Rising: A Story of Freedom door Veronica Chambers
12th Edition: 1996-1998
A Is For Asia (Orchard Paperbacks) door Cynthia Chin-Lee
12th Edition: 1996-1998
At the Plate with... Ken Griffey Jr. door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Baseball Turnaround door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Dog that Called the Pitch door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Dog That Pitched a No-Hitter door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Dog That Stole Football Plays door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Dog That Stole Home door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Great Moments in Baseball History door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Great Moments in Football History door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
In the Huddle with... Steve Young door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
On the Course with... Tiger Woods door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
On the Mound with... Greg Maddux door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Penalty Shot (Matt Christopher Sports Classics) door Matt Christopher
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Double Trouble In Walla Walla door Andrew Clements
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Blood And Gore, Like You've Never Seen door Vicki Cobb
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Dirt & Grime, Like You've Never Seen door Vicki Cobb
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Angkat: The Cambodian Cinderella door Jewell Reinhart Coburn
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Give a Dog a Bone: Stories, Poems, Jokes, and Riddles About Dogs door Joanna Cole
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip door Joanna Cole
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Marbles: 101 Ways to Play door Joanna Cole
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Farmworker's Friend: The Story of Cesar Chavez (Trailblazer Biographies) door David R. Collins
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Salsa door Lillian Colon-Vila
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Rooster's Gift door Pam Conrad
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Eleanor door Barbara Cooney
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Ballpark door Elisha Cooper
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Mandela: From the Life of the South African Statesman door Floyd Cooper
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Boggart door Susan Cooper
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Boggart and the Monster door Susan Cooper
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears door Cornelia Cornelissen
12th Edition: 1996-1998
My First Riddles door Judith Hoffman Corwin
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Money Troubles door Bill Cosby
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Best Friend Face-Off (Soccer Stars) door Emily Costello
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Foul Play (Soccer Stars) door Emily Costello
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Lottery Blues (Soccer Stars) door Emily Costello
12th Edition: 1996-1998
On the Sidelines door Emily Costello
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Tournament Trouble door Emily Costello
12th Edition: 1996-1998
William Shakespeare's Macbeth door Bruce Coville
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Third Grade Pet door Judy Cox
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Night Driving door John Coy
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Domenica's dromen door Sharon Creech
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Even Steven and Odd Todd door Kathryn Cristaldi
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Maple Moon door Connie Brummel Crook
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sharp Horns on the Moon door Carole Crowe
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Into the Ice: The Story of Arctic Exploration door Lynn Curlee
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Bat Boy and His Violin door Gavin Curtis
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Animals you Never Even Heard Of door Patricia Curtis
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Mystery of King Karfu (Casebook of Seymour Sleuth) door Doug Cushman
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Ballad of Lucy Whipple door Karen Cushman
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Tangle Town door Kurt Cyrus
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Snapshot : America discovers the camera door Kenneth P. Czch
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Polar Bear Son: An Inuit Tale door Lydia Dabcovich
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Code Talkers: American Indians in World War II (A First Book) door Robert Daily
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Get Out of the Alphabet Number 2: Wacky Wednesday Puzzle Poems door Kalli Dakos
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue door Paula Danziger
12th Edition: 1996-1998
We Shall Not Be Moved: The Women's Factory Strike of 1909 door Joan Dash
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Paper Dragon door Marguerite W. Davol
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Bloody Scotland (Horrible Histories) door Terry Deary
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Ghost of Fossil Glen door Cynthia DeFelice
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sky (National Geographic Nature Library) door Marfé Ferguson Delano
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Lucy Dove door Janice Del Negro
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Electra and the Charlotte Russe door Corinne Demas
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Buddha Stories door Demi
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Greatest Treasure door Demi
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Happy New Year! / Kung-Hsi Fa-Ts'ai! door Demi
12th Edition: 1996-1998
One Grain Of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale door Demi
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Strega Nona: Her Story door Tomie dePaola
12th Edition: 1996-1998
All Year Round: A Book to Benefit Children in Need door Lisa Desimini
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Stories on stone : rock art, images from the ancient ones door Jennifer Dewey
12th Edition: 1996-1998
To Every Thing There Is a Season: Verses From Ecclesiastes door Leo Dillon
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Talk to Me door Carol Dines
12th Edition: 1996-1998
First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson door Derek T. Dingle
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Painting the Wind door Michelle Dionetti
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Our Journey from Tibet door Laurie Dolphin
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Sees Behind Trees door Michael Dorris
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Window door Michael Dorris
12th Edition: 1996-1998
A Tree Is Growing door Arthur Dorros
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Lemonade sun : and other summer poems door Rebecca Kai Dotlich
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Kids Campfire Book: Official Book of Campfire Fun (Family Fun) door Jane Drake
12th Edition: 1996-1998
The Kids Summer Games Book: Official Book of Games to Play (Family Fun) door Jane Drake
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Forged By Fire door Sharon M. Draper
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Spotlight on Cody door Betsy Duffey
12th Edition: 1996-1998
Famous Hispanic Americans door Wendy Dunn
12th Edition: 1996-1998


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