Harvard Book Store Top 100
Uitgereikt door Harvard Book Store
Now, we read a lot, so it was hard to narrow it down. What we came up with are the books that moved us, that changed the way we think about the world, and that we will happily read over and over again. We hope you enjoy them too. toon minder
In early 2010 Harvard Book Store employees worked together to come up with a list of our favorite books. Each staff member submitted a list of their favorite books of all time, in (rough) order of preference. Their selections were then weighted according to the order and the results were tabulated. It was by no means a perfect system, but it was the best way we could think of to quantify opinions that are in no way quantifiable.
Now, we read a lot, so it was hard to narrow it down. What we came up with are the books that moved us, that changed the way we think about the world, and that we will happily read over and over again. We hope you enjoy them too.
URL: https://www.harvard.com/shelves/top100/
Could this now result in every college/university bookstore staff creating--what even the HB does not claim theirs to be--staff lists of books that the merry gnomes @ LT then convert to a book award?
Just FYI: Harvard Bookstore is an indie bookstore unaffiliated with the university though right across the street from it. (English, Door lid geschreven)