AAR Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion2014

Uitgereikt door American Academy of Religion (AAR)

4 Werken 198 boeken 5 Besprekingen 4.3
Awarded by the American Academy of Religion
In order to give recognition to new scholarly publications that make significant contributions to the study of religion, the American Academy of Religion toon meer offers Awards for Excellence. These awards honor works of distinctive originality, intelligence, creativity and importance; books that affect decisively how religion is examined, understood, and interpreted.

Awards for Excellence are given in four categories:
* Constructive-Reflective study of religion: works of contemporary ethics, philosophy, interpretation, theology or analogous forms of critical reflection

* Historical study of religion: works that focus on the history of a particular religion or religions in a specific historical period or geographical area

* Analytical-Descriptive study of religion: works of analysis or theory that focus on religion as an object of enquiry or on its typical components, such as myth, ritual, or tradition

* Textual study of religion: works that focus on the analysis, interpretation, or
translation of a particular text or group of texts in the study of religion

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