EvenementenGreat Depression

Gebeurtenissen per omslag

Werken (511)

"Or Does It Explode?": Black Harlem in the Great Depression door Cheryl Greenberg
1929: The Year of the Great Crash door William K. Klingaman
The 1930s Decade in Photos: Depression and Hope (Amazing Decades in Photos) door Jim Corrigan
1932: The Rise of Hitler and FDR--Two Tales of Politics, Betrayal, and Unlikely Destiny door David Pietrusza
All Our Worldly Goods door Irène Némirovsky
All the Way Home door Max Braithwaite
The Amazing Thinking Machine door Dennis Haseley
America's Great Depression door Murray Rothbard
The American Clock door Arthur Miller
American Diplomacy in the Great Depression: Hoover-Stimson Foreign Policy, 1929-1933 door Robert H. Ferrell
American Heritage Book of the Presidents and Famous Americans, Volume 10 door American Heritage
The American Heritage Illustrated History of the United States, Volume 14: The Roosevelt Era door Robert G. Athearn
The American Presidency: From Theodore Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan door Robert Dallek1930's
American-Made: The Enduring Legacy of the WPA: When FDR Put the Nation to Work door Nick Taylor
Angel Sister door Ann H. Gabhart
Annie [1982 film] door John Huston
Annie [1999 TV movie] door Rob Marshall
Annie Live! [2021 TV movie] door Lear Debessonet
Annie Live! Original Television Soundtrack door Charles Strouse
Annie Warbucks: Original 1993 Off-Broadway Cast Recording door Charles Strouse
Annie: 30th Anniversary Cast Recording door Charles Strouse
Annie: Original 1977 Broadway Cast Recording door Charles Strouse
Annie: Original 1982 Motion Picture Soundtrack door Charles Strouse
Annie: Original 1999 Television Soundtrack door Charles Strouse
Annie: Original 2012 Broadway Cast Recording door Charles Strouse
An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto door Alex Callinicos
Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression, 1920-1941 (Norton Twentieth Century America) door Michael E. Parrish
The Apostle Bird door Garry Disher
The Artist [2011 film] door Michel Hazanavicius
As Ever Booky door Bernice Thurman Hunter
As For Me and My House door Sinclair Ross1930's
Australian capitalism in boom and depression door Robert Catley
The Aviators: Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight door Winston Groom
The Babe & I door David A. Adler
A bad smash: Australia in the depression of the 1930s (Themes in Australian economic and social history) door G. F. R. Spenceley
Baldwin Street door Alvin Rakoff
The Bamboo Flute door Garry Disher
The Banking Panics of the Great Depression door Elmus Wicker
Bannock Beans and Black Tea: Memories of a Prince Edward Island Childhood in the Great Depression door John Gallant
Bayou door Jeremy Love
Het Beste uit Life door David Edward Scherman
The Big Rock Candy Mountain door Wallace Stegner
Bird in a Box door Andrea Davis Pinkney
A Bird in the House door Margaret Laurence
The bitter years: Wollongong during the Great Depression door Len Richardson
De blinde huurmoordenaar door Margaret Atwood
Bloody Mama [1970 film] door Roger Corman
The Blue Evening Gone door Hugh C. Rae
The Blue Orchard door Jackson Taylor
Blue Willow door Doris Gates
Bonnie & Clyde [2013 TV miniseries] door Bruce Beresford
Bonnie & Clyde: Original Broadway Cast Recording door Frank Wildhorn
Bonnie and Clyde [1967 film] door Arthur Penn
Boo: A Life in Baseball, Well-lived door Rick Cleveland
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek door Kim Michele Richardson
Bookhounds of London door Kenneth Hite
Breadwinning Daughters: Young Working Women in a Depression-Era City, 1929-1939 (Studies in Gender and History) door Katrina Srigley
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? door Milton Meltzer
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?: America from the Wall Street Crash to Pearl Harbor : An Illustrated Documentary door Susan Winslow
O Brother, Where Art Thou? [film] door Joel Coen
O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack door T-Bone Burnett
Bulls Bears and the Ballot Box: How the Performance of OUR Presidents Has Impacted YOUR Wallet door Bob Deitrick
C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy door Jeff Sharlet
C. Ben Ross and the New Deal in Idaho door Michael P. Malone
Cabbagetown door Hugh Garner
Cannery Row | Of Mice and Men door John Steinbeck
Capitalism for Beginners door Robert Lekachman
Cascade door Maryanne O'Hara
The Cave door Kathleen Karr
Central standard : a time, a place, a family door Patrick Irelan
The Challenging of America, 1920-1945 door Michael L. Kurtz
Change and Continuity in Twentieth-Century America door John Braeman
Changes for Kit: A Winter Story door Valerie Tripp
Charlatan: America's Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimflam door Pope Brock
Charmed Circle door Susan Ertz
Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture door Ellen Ruppel Shell
Children of the Great Depression door Russell Freedman
Christmas After All: The Great Depression Diary of Minnie Swift, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1932 door Kathryn Lasky
The City Man door Howard Akler
Clara en Nora door Richard B. Wright [1930]
Climbing Out of the Great Depression: The New Deal (American History Through Primary Sources) door Sean Price
Cobblestone: Tough Times Surviving the Great Depression 2008 March door Cobblestone
Coming of Age in the Great Depression: The Civilian Conservation Corps in New Mexico door Richard Melzer
The Coming of the New Deal, 1933-1935 door Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Communists in Harlem during the Depression door Mark Naison
Een contract met God 4 verhalen uit de Bronx door Will Eisner
The Contract with God Trilogy door Will Eisner
De crash van '29 door John Kenneth Galbraith
Crash: The Great Depression and the Fall and Rise of America door Marc Favreau
The Crazyladies of Pearl Street door Trevanian
The Creators of Batman: Bob, Bill and The Dark Knight door Rik Worth
Credo: The Rose Wilder Lane Story door Peter Bagge
The crisis in Australian finance, 1929 to 1931 : documents on budgetary and economic policy door E. O. G. Shann
The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933 door Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Crossing Bully Creek door Margaret Erhart
The Crucial Era: The Great Depression and World War II 1929-1945 door Gerald D. Nash
Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1940: How Americans Lived Through the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression door David E. Kyvig
Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression door Morris Dickstein
Danger at the Zoo door Kathleen Ernst
Daring to Look: Dorothea Lange's Photographs and Reports from the Field door Anne Whiston Spirn
The Darling Dahlias and the Confederate Rose door Susan Wittig Albert
The Darling Dahlias and the Cucumber Tree door Susan Wittig Albert
The Darling Dahlias and the Eleven O'Clock Lady door Susan Wittig Albert
The Darling Dahlias and the Naked Ladies door Susan Wittig Albert
The Darling Dahlias and the Poinsettia Puzzle door Susan Wittig Albert
The Darling Dahlias and the Silver Dollar Bush door Susan Wittig Albert
The Darling Dahlias and the Unlucky Clover door Susan Wittig Albert
The day of the locust door Nathanael West
Days of Sand door Aimée de Jongh
Deadly Shaker Spring door Deborah Woodworth
The Death of Consensus: 100 Years of British Political Nightmares door Phil Tinline
Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s door Francisco E. Balderrama
Delaware in the Great Depression door R. Brian Page
Depression Era Recipes door Patricia R. Wagner
Depression, War, and Cold War: Challenging the Myths of Conflict and Prosperity (Independent Studies in Political Economy) door Robert Higgs
Dining During the Depression : Strong Family Ties, Hard Work, and Good Old-Fashioned Cooking Sustained Folks Through the 1930s (Reminisce Books) door Karen Thibodeau
The Dionne Years: A Thirties Melodrama door Pierre Berton
The Dirty Thirties: Tales of the Nineteen Thirties During Which Occurred a Great Drought, a Lengthy Depression and the Era Commonly Called the Dust door William H. Hull
Dogwood Alley door Alyssa Helton
Don't Know Much About the Presidents door Kenneth C. Davis
Dorothea Lange (Phaidon 55s) door Mark Durden
Dorothea Lange: American Photographs door Dorothea Lange
The Dream: A Memoir door Harry Bernstein
Driven from the Land: The Story of the Dust Bowl (Great Journeys) door Milton Meltzer
De druiven der gramschap door John Steinbeck
Dust door Arthur Slade
The Dust Bowl: An Illustrated History door Dayton Duncan
East Broad Top door Lee Rainey
Economics and the Public Welfare door Benjamin M. Anderson
The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained door Niall Kishtainy
Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism door Jim Stanford
Edge of Dark Water door Joe R. Lansdale
Electoral Change and Stability in American Political History door Jerome M. Clubb
Elegy for Eddie door Jacqueline Winspear
Emily Post: Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners door Laura P. Claridge
Endangered Dreams: The Great Depression in California door Kevin Starr
The Enemy Within: 2,000 Years of Witch-Hunting in the Western World door John Demos
Esperanza Rising door Pam Muñoz Ryan
Essays on the Great Depression door Ben S. Bernanke
Essentials of United States History, 1912-1941 : World War I, the Depression and the New Deal (Essentials) door Steven E. Woodworth
Eudora Welty: A Biography door Suzanne Marrs
Everyone's Hero [2006 film] door Christopher Reeve
Everything Was Better in America: Print Culture in the Great Depression door David Welky
An Eyewitness History of Australia door Harry Gordon
Fair Dinkum Histories #6: Weevils, War & Wallabies door Jackie French
FDR's Alphabet Soup: New Deal America 1932-1939 door Tonya Bolden
FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression door Jim Powell
FDR: The New Deal Years 1933-1937 door Kenneth S. Davis
A Few Right Thinking Men door Sulari Gentill
Field to factory: Afro-American migration 1915-1940 door Spencer R. Crew
Fighting back : the politics of the unemployed in Victoria in the Great Depression door Charlie Fox
De filosofen van het dagelijks brood door Robert L. Heilbroner
Final Project, PLN 1 Secondary: FDR's New Deal
Finding a Future door Rodney G. Miller
Flanagan's Run door Tom McNab
Florida in the Great Depression: Desperation and Defiance door Nick Wynne
The Food of a Younger Land: A Portrait of American Food--Before the National Highway System, Before Chain Restaurants, and Before Frozen Food, When the Nation's Food Was Seasonal door Mark Kurlansky1930's
The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression door Amity Shlaes
A Fortunate Life door A. B. Facey
The fortunate pilgrim door Mario Puzo
The Four Winds door Kristin Hannah
Frank R. Paul: Father of Science Fiction Art door Stephen D. Korshak
Franklin D. Roosevelt door Wil Mara
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal door David Keith Adams
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 door William E. Leuchtenburg
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom door Conrad Black
Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 door David M. Kennedy
From Keynes to Piketty : The Century that Shook Up Economics door de Haan Peter
From the Pen of Paul : The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul door Frank R. Paul
FSA: The American Vision door Gilles Mora
Full of Beans: Henry Ford Grows a Car door Peggy Thomas
Furious Improvisation: How the WPA and a Cast of Thousands Made High Art out of Desperate Times door Susan Quinn
The Gardener door Sarah Stewart
George V: The Unexpected King door David Cannadine
Georgia During The Great Depression: A Documentary Portrait of a Decade door Anita Price Davis
Geschiedenis van het Amerikaanse volk door Howard Zinn
Ghost Girl door Delia Ray
Ghost on Black Mountain door Ann Hite
A Girl Like You door Michelle Cox
Gold, France, and the Great Depression, 1919-1932 door Mr. H. Clark Johnson
The Golden Willow: The Story of a Lifetime of Love door Harry Bernstein
The Gospel of the Working Class: Labor's Southern Prophets in New Deal America door Erik S. Gellman
Grandpa's Mountain door Carolyn Reeder
The Grapes of Wrath [1940 film] door John Ford
The Graphic Canon of Crime & Mystery, Vol. 2: From Salome to Edgar Allan Poe to The Silence of the Lambs door Russ Kick
The great bust : the depression of the thirties door J. T. Lang
The Great Depression door David F. Burg
The Great Depression door R. Conrad Stein
The Great Depression door John A. Garraty
The Great Depression door Lionel Robbins
The Great Depression door David Downing
The Great Depression door SparkNotes Editors
The Great Depression (A Step into History) door Steven Otfinoski
The Great Depression (American History) door Don Nardo
The Great Depression (Causes & consequences) door Stewart Ross
The Great Depression (Opposing Viewpoints Digests) door Don Nardo
The Great Depression (Turning Points in World History) door Don Nardo
The Great Depression (Witness to History) door Nathaniel Harris
The Great Depression : an international disaster of perverse economic policies door Thomas E. Hall
The Great Depression : Delayed Recovery and Economic Change in America, 1929-1939 door Michael A. Bernstein
The Great Depression and the New Deal: Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? door Carole Marsh
The Great Depression and World War II : 1929 to 1945 door Sheryl Peterson
The Great Depression and World War II : organizing America, 1933-1945 door Gerald D. Nash
The Great Depression and World War II: 1929-1945 (Presidents of the United States) door Marty Gitlin
The great depression in Australia door Robert Cooksey
The Great Depression: 1929-1939 door Pierre Berton
The Great Depression: A History Perspectives Book (Perspectives Library) door Roberta Baxter
The Great Depression: America 1929-1941 door Robert S. McElvaine
The Great Depression: Opposing Viewpoints - American History door William Dudley
The great depression; the United States in the thirties door Robert Goldston
Hadestown door Anaïs Mitchell
Hadestown: Original 2016 Off-Broadway Cast Recording door Anaïs Mitchell
Hadestown: Original 2019 Broadway Cast Recording door Anaïs Mitchell
Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History door Barry Eichengreen
Hallapoosa door Robert Newton Peck
Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression door Robin D. G. Kelley
Happy Birthday, Kit!: A Springtime Story door Valerie Tripp
Hard times : beginnings of the Great Depression in North Carolina, 1929-1933 door John L. Bell
Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression door Studs Terkel
Harp in the South Novels door Ruth Park
Harpo Speaks! door Harpo Marx
Harpsong door Rilla Askew
The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America--The Stalin Era (Modern Library Paperbacks) door Allen Weinstein1930's
A Heart Revealed door Julie Lessman
Hebben en niet hebben door Ernest Hemingway
Hellevaart door Max Allan Collins
The Highwaymen [2019 film] door John Lee Hancock
A History of Modern Europe, Second Edition: From the Renaissance to the Present (One-Volume Edition) door John Merriman
Hold Autumn in Your Hand door George Sessions Perry
Hollywood Bohemia: The Roots of Progressive Politics in Rob Wagner's Script door Rob Leicester Wagner
Home in The Woods door Eliza Wheeler
Homes of the Presidents door Bill HarrisUSA
Hope in Hard Times: Norvelt and the Struggle for Community During the Great Depression door Timothy Kelly
The House door Michael McDowell
The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance door Ron Chernow
The House That Was Eureka door Nadia Wheatley
How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present door Thomas DiLorenzo
I'll See You in My Dreams [1951 film] door Michael Curtiz
Idlewild [2006 film] door Bryan Barber
Ik weet waarom gekooide vogels zingen door Maya Angelou
An Illustrated History of Filmmaking door Adam Allsuch Boardman
The Impact of J T Lang on the NSW Labor Party door Irwin Edward Young
In the Company of Radical Women Writers door Rosemary Hennessy
In the Midst of Innocence door Deborah Hining
Independent Intellectuals in the United States, 1910-1945 door Steven Biel
Industrial Design door Raymond Loewy
Into the Free door Julie Cantrell
The invisible scar door Caroline Bird
Ironweed door William Kennedy
Jack Frost: The End Becomes the Beginning door William Joyce
Jack Lang and the Great Depression door Frank Cain
The Jew Store door Stella Suberman
The Journal of C.J. Jackson: A Dust Bowl Migrant, Oklahoma to California, 1935 door William Durbin
Journal of Mormon History - Vol. 28, No. 2, Fall 2002 door Mormon History Association
Journal of Mormon History - Volume 6 (1979) door Richard W. Sadler
Het juk der dictators 1925-1950 door Editors of Time-Life Books
Julie door Catherine Marshall
Jupiter's Legacy #1 of 5 door Mark Millar
Keep a Little Secret door Dorothy Garlock
Keystone of Democracy: A History of Pennsylvania Workers door Howard Harris
The King and the people and the severing of their unity door A. B. Piddington
Kings in Disguise door James Vance
Kingsblood Royal door Sinclair Lewis
Kit Learns a Lesson: A School Story door Valerie Tripp
Kit Saves the Day: A Summer Story door Valerie Tripp
Kit Story Collection (American Girl) door Valerie Tripp
Kit's Home Run (American Girls Short Stories) door Valerie Tripp
Kit's Railway Adventure door Harriet Brown
Kit's Short Story Collection door Valerie Tripp
Kit's Surprise: A Christmas Story, 1934 door Valerie Tripp
Kit's World: A Girl's-Eye View of the Great Depression door Harriet Brown
Kit: An American Girl, 1934 door Valerie Tripp
Klondikes, Chipped Ham, & Skyscraper Cones: The Story of Isaly's door Brian Butko
The Knife Sharpener's Bell door Rhea Tregebov
De krach van Wallstreet door Gordon Thomas
The Landing door John Ibbitson
Lang and socialism : a study in the great depression door Robert Cooksey
The Last Voyage of the Misty Day door Jackie French Koller
Leonard Arrington and the Writing of Mormon History door Gregory A. Prince
Life List: A Woman's Quest for the World's Most Amazing Birds door Olivia Gentile
Lila door Marilynne Robinson
The Listening Tree door Celia Barker Lottridge
Little Orphan Annie Vol. 05: 1933-1935 — The One-Way Road to Justice door Harold Gray
Lloyd George door Peter Rowland
The Lonely Hearts Hotel door Heather O'Neill
Lonesome Cowgirls and Honky Tonk Angels: The Women of Barn Dance Radio (Music in American Life) door Kristine M. McCusker
The Long Walk door Kerry Greenwood
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World door Liaquat Ahamed
Love on the Dole door Walter Greenwood
Loving Eleanor door Susan Wittig Albert
The Lucky Star door Judy Young
Maddy's Wings door Jan Porter
Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 door Lizabeth Cohen
De man achter Louis door Roddy Doyle
Manhattan Beach door Jennifer Egan
The Many Deaths of the Firefly Brothers door Thomas Mullen
The Marrying Kind door Hugh C. Rae
Mary Coin door Marisa Silver
Mary Poppins Returns [2018 film] door Rob Marshall
Mary Poppins Returns: Original 2018 Motion Picture Soundtrack door Marc Shaiman
Meet Kit: An American Girl door Valerie Tripp
Mellon: An American Life door David Cannadine
Men against the desert door James H. Gray
Men Are Only Human door Denise Robins
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming door Naomi Oreskes
Midnight in Lonesome Hollow door Kathleen Ernst
The Midnight Train Home door Erika Tamar
The Midwife of Hope River door Patricia Harman
Mijn naam is Bud door Christopher Paul Curtis
Mildred Pierce door James M. Cain
Modern Times [1936 film] door Charlie Chaplin
Moon Over Manifest door Clare Vanderpool
The Morbid Age door Richard Overy
My Brother, Grant Wood door Nan Wood Graham
A NATION FIGHTS BACK : The Depression and its Aftermath door Irving Werstein
Nebraska's Missing Public Enemy: The Last of the Ghost Gang (True Crime) door Brian James Beerman
The Nero Wolfe Omnibus: The Red Box / The League of Frightened Men door Rex Stout
The New Deal door Paul Keith Conkin
The New Deal door Carl N. Degler
The New Deal and the American people door Frank Burt Freidel
New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America door Burton W. Folsom
The New Deal: A Global History door Kiran Klaus Patel
The New Deal: A Modern History door Michael Hiltzik
The New Deal: Revolution or Evolution door Edwin C. Rozwenc
The New Deal: The Depression Years, 1933-1940 door Anthony J. Badger
New York door Edward Rutherfurd
NEW: The hungry thirties : Newcastle district in the Great Depression door Dulcie Hartley
Newark Minutemen: A True 1930s Legend About One Man's Mission to Save a Nation's Soul Without Losing His Own door Leslie K. Barry
A Nickel's Worth of Skim Milk door Robert J. Hastings
The Night of the Hunter [1955 film] door Charles Laughton
The Night of the Hunter: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack door Walter Schumann
No Matter Where door Arthur Train
No Small Victory door Connie Brummel Crook
North Carolina During the Great Depression: A Documentary Portrait of a Decade door Anita Price Davis
North River door Pete Hamill
North Star of Herschel Island - The last Canadian Arctic fur trading ship. door R. Bruce Macdonald
Not a Nickel to Spare: The Great Depression Diary of Sally Cohen door Perry Nodelman
Not In My Father's Footsteps door Terrence Rundle West
Nothing to Fear door Jackie French Koller
Of Mice and Men [1939 film] door Lewis Milestone
Of Mice and Men [1992 film] door Gary Sinise
Oh, Beautiful: An American Family in the 20th Century door John Paul Godges
On the Blue Comet door Rosemary Wells
On the Home Front: My Mother's Story of Everyday American Life from Prohibition Through WW II door Mary Jo Clark
Only the Ball Was White: A History of Legendary Black Players and All-Black Professional Teams door Robert Peterson
Or The Horse May Talk door Louise Moeri
Organizing Prosperity door David Lloyd George
The Outward Room door Millen Brand
Over the Plain Houses door Julia Franks
Painting the Grand Homes of California's Central Valley door J.P. Lane
Paper Moon [1973 film] door Peter Bogdanovich
Papermoon: met de hand op het hart [Addy Pray. Dutch] door Joe David Brown
The Passover Guest door Susan Kusel
Pavel and the Tree Army door Heidi Smith Hyde
Peanut Butter For Cupcakes: A True Story From The Great Depression door Donna Nordmark Aviles
Pennies from Heaven [1981 film] door Herbert Ross
Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine 1997 Spring door Michael J. O'Malley
The Penny Wedding door Hugh C. Rae
Perry Mason: Season 1 door Rolin Jones
The Persian Pickle Club door Sandra Dallas
The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained door Will Buckingham
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie R.R door Harold H McLean
A Place Called Rainwater door Dorothy Garlock
The Plots Against the President: FDR, A Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right door Sally Denton
The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York door Deborah Blum
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal door Robert Murphy
The Politics of Upheaval, 1935-1936 door Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Porco Rosso [1992 film] door Hayao Miyazaki
Porco Rosso: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack door Joe Hisaishi
Potato: A Tale from the Great Depression door Kate Lied
Prayers for Sale door Sandra Dallas
Prayers the Devil Answers door Sharyn McCrumb
Progressivism, Depression, New Deal 1901-1941 (The Drama of American History) door Christopher Collier
Promises door Charlotte Vale Allen
The Quickening door Michelle Hoover
Rainbow's End: The Crash of 1929 door Maury Klein
Rainwater door Sandra Brown
Ramblin' Man: The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie door Ed Cray
Ray Bolger: More than a Scarecrow door Holly Van Leuven
Really Truly Ruthie door Valerie Tripp
Reapers of the Dust: a Prairie Chronicle door Lois Phillips Hudson
Red Ted: The Life of E.G. Theodore door Ross Fitzgerald
Red-Dirt Jessie door Anna Myers
Research in the Administration of Public Policy; [Papers and Proceedings] door D.C. Washington, 1970 Evans, Frank Bernard, ; Pinkett, Harold T., Conference on Research in the Administration of Public Policy
Riding the Rails: Teenagers on the Move During the Great Depression door Errol Lincoln Uys
The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-1980 door Steve Fraser
Rising in the West: the true story of an "Okie" family in search of the American dream door Dan Morgan
Road to Perdition [2002 film] door Sam Mendes
The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression door Academic Industries
Rock Garden Flower; or, Growing Up During the Depression door Florence Hardesty
Room for Hope door Kim Vogel Sawyer
Rooted and Remembered door C.J. Frederick
Royal Flush: A Nero Wolfe Omnibus door Rex Stout
Ruby's Hope: A Story of How the Famous "Migrant Mother" Photograph Became the Face of the Great Depression door Monica Kulling
Rudy Rides the Rails door Dandi Daley Mackall
Saint Mazie door Jami Attenberg
Saving Grace door Priscilla Cummings
Say Good Night, Gracie! The Story of Burns & Allen door Cheryl Blythe
A Secret Gift: How One Man's Kindness—and a Trove of Letters—Revealed the Hidden History of the Great Depression door Ted Gup
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country door William Greider
The Senate, 1789-1989. Vol. 1. Addresses on the history of the United States Senate door Robert C. Byrd
Shadow of Ashland door Terence M. Green
The Shattered Dream: Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression door Gene Smith
Shiloh Autumn door Bodie Thoene
A Short History of Canada door Desmond Morton
Six Days in October: The Stock Market Crash of 1929 door Karen Blumenthal
Sky Boys door Deborah Hopkinson
Sloss Furnaces and the rise of the Birmingham District : an industrial epic door W. David Lewis
Smedley door Jeff Mccomsey
Someplace to Call Home door Sandra Dallas
Somewhere Around the Corner door Jackie French
Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History door Manny Pacheco
Songs of Willow Frost door Jamie Ford
Soul of a People: The WPA Writers' Project Uncovers Depression America door David A. Taylor
Spaar de spotvogels door Harper Lee
Spanish Fly door Will Ferguson
Splendor in the Grass [1961 film] door Elia Kazan
Stan Lee [2023 film] door David Gelb
The Sting [1973 film] door George Roy Hill
The Sting: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack door Marvin Hamlisch
The Stock Market Crash of 1929: Dawn of the Great Depression door Mary Gow
Stop deze depressie nu door Paul Krugman
Stories in Log and Stone: The Legacy of the New Deal in Minnesota State Parks door David R. Benson
The Stork and the Plow door Paul R. Ehrlich
The Story of the Great Depression door Mona Gedney
The Story of the Great Depression (Cornerstones of Freedom) door R. Conrad Stein
Stralende meisjes door Lauren Beukes
The Stubborn Season door Lauren B. Davis
Sullivan's Travels [1941 film] door Preston Sturges
Sun on the Stubble door Colin Thiele
Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards, Dalhart, Texas, 1935 door Katelan Janke
The Sweetest Thing door Elizabeth Musser
Swords and Crowns and Rings door Ruth Park
A Synopsis of American History, Eighth Edition--Complete door Neil R. McMillen
De tabaksweg door Erskine Caldwell
Technological Innovation and the Great Depression door Rick Szostak
Ten Lost Years, 1929-1939: Memories of the Canadians Who Survived the Depression door Barry Broadfoot
That Boy Red door Rachna Gilmore
That Scatterbrain Booky door Bernice Thurman Hunter
Theodore; his life and times door Irwin Edward Young
These Four Walls door Susan Cameron
They Live by Night [1948 film] door Nicholas Ray
Thieves Like Us door Edward Anderson
Thunder from the Right: Ezra Taft Benson in Mormonism and Politics door Matthew L. Harris
The Time-Life History of the United States: New Deal and Global War door William E. Leuchtenburg
Tobit's Dog door Michael Nicholas Richard
Together in Christ: A history of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod door John A. Braun
A Trail of Crumbs: A Novel of the Great Depression door Susie Finkbeiner
Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt door H. W. Brands
Treasures in the Dust door Tracey Porter
Trial by war and depression: 1917-1941 door J. Joseph Huthmacher
The Truth About Stone Hollow door Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Het tunnelkind door Sonya Hartnett
Turtle in Paradise door Jennifer L. Holm
Tuxedo Park : A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II door Jennet Conant
Tweede Wereldoorlog door H. P. Willmott
Underground door June Hutton
The Unplowed Sky door Jeanne Williams
The Unwritten Vol. 05: On to Genesis door Mike Carey
Utah Historical Quarterly - Vol, 54, No. 3, Summer 1986 - The Great Depression door Utah State Historical Society
Utah Historical Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Fall 2011) door Allen Kent Powell
The Vampire Files: Volume Two door P. N. Elrod
Vampire Haiku door Ryan Mecum
Violence in the fields : California Filipino farm labor unionization during the Great Depression door Howard A. DeWitt
Violeta door Isabel Allende
Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin and the Great Depression door Alan Brinkley
Vrouwenmagie door Kaye Gibbons
The Wake of Forgiveness door Bruce Machart
Washington Past and Present: A Guide to the Nation's Capital door Donald R. Kennon
The Wasted years? : Australia's great depression door Judy Mackinolty
Welcome to Kit's World, 1934 door Harriet Brown
The Well and the Mine door Gin Phillips
West by Southwest: Verbal and Visual Snapshots From the High Plains door John Garmon
When I Was a Child: Based on a true story of love, death, and survival on the Kansas prairie door T L Needham
When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country door G. Gordon Liddy
When the Bough Breaks door Irene N. Watts
Who Has Seen the Wind door W.O. Mitchell
Whose Names Are Unknown door Sanora Babb
Why Shoot the Teacher door Max Braithwaite
Wild Boys of the Road [1933 film] door William A. Wellman
Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? The Carter Family and Their Legacy in American Music door Mark Zwonitzer
The Wind Called My Name door Mary Louise Sanchez
Winter Cottage door Carol Ryrie Brink
The Winter Years (Western Canadian Classics) door James H. Gray
The Witch of Lime Street: Seance, Seduction, and Houdini in the Spirit World door David Jaher
With Love from Booky door Bernice Thurman Hunter
Wolf on the Fold door Judith Clarke
The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR's Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience door Kirstin Downey
Working on a Song: The Lyrics of Hadestown door Anaïs Mitchell
Working Thin Waters door Stephen Jones
The World in Depression, 1929-1939 door Charles P. Kindleberger
The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl door Timothy Egan
Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston door Valerie Boyd
The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls door Anton DiSclafani
Zelda: A Biography door Nancy Milford
Zuiver als de lelie door Catherine Cookson
Zwaar vergif door Dorothy L. Sayers
Straight left door Tom Uren1929–39
Bellevue: Three Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America's Most Storied Hospital door David Oshinsky1933
The Circus Kings: Our Ringling Family Story door Henry Ringling North1929
Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter door Kate Clifford Larson1939
Skylarks at Sunset door Rita Bradshaw1929
Stan Lee: How Marvel Changed the World door Adrian MacKinder1933
Verbond der Angstigen door Rex Stout1939
Muizen en mensen door John Steinbeck1930s
Polio: An American Story door David M. Oshinsky1930s
The Darling Dahlias and the Texas Star door Susan Wittig Albert1932
A Chill in the Blood door P. N. Elrod1937
Dark and Stormy Knights door P. N. Elrod1938) ('Dark Lady'
All Against All: The Long Winter of 1933 and the Origins of the Second World War door Paul Jankowski1929-1939
A Certain Slant of Light door Frances Rickett1929-1939