Word-play Umbrella

Deze groep is officieel gaan sluimeren. Zo gaat dat. bekijk deze pagina als je deze groep nieuw leven in wilt blazen, of een nieuwe groep met hetzelfde onderwerp wilt starten.

Many bibliophiles are also logophiles and we who love words play with them. Rhyming was once the most common form of word-play. Today, the crossword puzzle may be. The New Yorker style cartoon qualifies for there is play between the picture and the caption. Thomas Hood's illustration of a "Stitch in Time" is a type of word-play we might call "pictoral pun," sub-category "idiom." Groups already established at LT include the National Puzzlers' League, Cryptic Crosswords, Crambo, and Playing games and solving puzzles. Let us see if a broader umbrella encourages more participation. Some talks might be for doing it and others for gathering, categorizing, discussing and comparing varieties of word-play, not to mention mentioning books, magazines, blogs featuring it.

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