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Low-Water Garden: How to Beat the Drought and Grow a Thriving Garden Using Low-Water Techniques

Tired of struggling to grow vegetables in your hot, sunny yard?

No matter what climate you live in, you know how much water matters when it comes to growing healthy plants. And arid climates and drought conditions come with their own unique challenges and require unique solutions. Well, when you have less access to water, you need to be smarter about how you use (and reuse) it. These simple, low-tech strategies will help you boost water retention efficiency without breaking the bank. Just imagine how satisfying it's going to feel the first time you serve up a meal prepared with food from your garden…

In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

  • Step-by-step instructions for building keystone gardens, drip irrigation systems, and more
  • How microclimates are affecting the success of your plant growth and what you can do to make them work for you
  • Common soil health challenges in arid climates and how to manage them
  • Why it's especially important in arid climates to give some thought to your vegetable garden's layout and design before you begin planting
  • Tips and tricks to help you make the most of your time, energy, and space while maximizing your harvest
  • How mulching can help you reduce watering needs by up to 50%

And much more.

Using modern technology along with tried and true approaches to sustainable watering, you'll discover that it's easier than ever before to build a thriving garden, no matter where you live.

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General Nonfiction, Home & Garden, Nonfiction
Aangeboden door
evasuke (Auteur)
december 2022
Begint op: 2022-12-01
Uitgelezen: 2022-12-27
In de uitverkoop
USA Only
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