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A Dry Heat: Collected Stories

Literary stories about the lives of boys and men

The debut collection from award-winning short story writer Gregory D. Williams takes us back to the 1970s, a bygone era when parents didn't always know what their children were up to and pre-teen boys were becoming men. In stories about growing up in the dry heat of Phoenix, Arizona, a Little League player bobbles the ball with his first crush. In another story, two friends stake out the house of a neighborhood bully and play a role in a deadly accident. These adolescent boys see moral compromise - and their roles as husbands, fathers, and breadwinners - shimmering like a mirage on the horizon.

Soon, the innocence of childhood recedes into the past. Grown-up life begins. During a practicum on breast-and-rectal exams, an overlooked lump on a sexy partner leaves a med student shaken. A doctor apprehends that the distance between pain-relief and addiction is shorter than he ever imagined. And a man propositioned at a local Starbucks discovers that even in middle age, the dry heat of love still burns.

Stories about seniors touch on emotions at life's end. A widower, busted while honoring his wife's final wish, tells a white lie to escape arrest. A fisherman is startled by the appearance of a talking trout.

In all these stories, the boy lives on inside the man.

For fans of William Trevor, Claire Keegan, Alice Munro, Tobias Wolff, and Niall Williams.

General Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
Grand Canyon Press (Uitgever)
(User: MaryleeMacD)
februari 2024
Begint op: 2024-02-01
Uitgelezen: 2024-02-26
In de uitverkoop
USA Only
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13 besprak, 7 marked received
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