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Data Analytics Essentials You Always Wanted to Know

Data Analytics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know is an approachable and captivating guide to understand the complicated world of data

From raw data to actionable insights - journey through the essentials of data analytics.

Data analytics is becoming increasingly important in today's data-driven society, and so has the demand for data analysts. Data Analytics Essentials You Always Wanted to Know (Data Analytics Essentials) is a comprehensive yet succinct manual, perfect for you if you are trying to understand the fundamentals of data analytics. It gives a concise introduction to data analytics and its current applicability.

Upon reading this book, you will get:

  • A fundamental comprehension of data analytics, including its types
  • An understanding of data analytics processes, software tools, and a range of analytics methodologies
  • A comprehension of what daily tasks and procedures the data analysts follow
  • An investigation into the vast field of big data analytics, covering its possibilities and challenges
  • An understanding of the existing legal frameworks, as well as ethical and privacy issues in data analytics
  • Application-based learning using a variety of real-world case studies

This book is a great tool for professionals switching to a career in data analytics and for students who want to learn the basics of data analytics. It will give you a strong foundation by explaining everything in an easy-to-understand language.

Data Analytics Essentials goes beyond a theoretical manual and contains real-world case studies and fun facts to help you enhance your knowledge. The chapter summaries and self-assessment tests along with every chapter will help you test yourself as you move from one concept to the next.

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Business, Reference
Aangeboden door
Vibrant Publishers (Uitgever)
(User: VibrantPublishers)
april 2024
Begint op: 2024-04-01
Uitgelezen: 2024-04-25
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