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Galadria: Peter Huddleson and the Rites of Passage
Reeksen: Galadria (1)
Peter Huddleston lived a boring beige life in a beige town with his decidedly beige father and stepmother; he awoke each morning desperately intending to blend in and be like everyone else. But something always seemed to get in the way of those heartfelt intentions. With his prized boomerang constantly in his fingers, Peter blunders from one disastrous misunderstanding to another, until his exasperated parents bundle him off for the summer to visit his aunt Gillian at her home, Hillside Manor. Peter quickly learns that Hillside Manor is no ordinary summer retreat, and that his mother’s sister is anything but an ordinary woman. Within its vast walls, and 3,000 rooms, the wondrous Hillside houses many ancient secrets, including the fact that it serves as a gateway between our world and the mysterious Galadria, a realm where Peter’s family currently rules. Peter has been summoned to Hillside to learn that he is the only heir to his royal family, and to determine if he is prepared to prove himself by facing the perilous “Rites of Passage”. The rites are not the only challenges Peter will face during his summer of intense tutelage at the hands of his aunt and her strange and fascinating entourage. Peter is also embroiled in a lethal dynastic challenge as his aunt’s heir, inheriting the enmity of Knor of the House of Shadowray, a cruel noble who ruthlessly covets the crown of Galadria for himself. Armed with his trusty boomerang and several magical trinkets, Peter gamely faces innumerable dangers in this eccentric and privileged world. Aid comes from strange and unexpected places, as Peter is relentlessly pushed and tested to his breaking point. His escalating successes put him in evermore risk, and catapult him closer to a deadly confrontation with Knor, and to a grizzly realization that he might not survive the summer!
Tween, Kids, Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
Wakestone Press (Uitgever)
(User: Carol-Daniels)
April 2011
Begint op: 2011-04-06
Uitgelezen: 2011-04-28
In de uitverkoop
Canada, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Verenigde Staten
Boek informatieLibraryThing Werkpagina
10 besprak, 4 marked received
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