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Cruising Attitude
A charming, funny insider’s look at the life of a flight attendant, from coping with crazy passengers to finding love at 35,000 feet. In the spirit of books like Waiter Rant and Kitchen Confidential, blogger and flight attendant Heather Poole gives the inside scoop on how to be the most hated passenger on the plane, whether passionate affairs with pilots are really as frequent as you’d think, what it’s like flying in a post-9/11 world, and everything else passengers never knew. Readers will learn what it’s like to live in a flight attendant crashpad in “Crew Gardens,” Queens, where the bedrooms are crammed with bunkbeds and the neighbors get the wrong idea about why attractive women are coming and going at all hours. They’ll find out why it’s a bad idea to fall for pilots, and—in Heather’s case, at least—why it can be a good idea to fall for business class passengers. They’ll watch passengers and coworkers alike get escorted off the planes by police, and learn insider secrets on starting salaries, FA schedules, celebrity misbehavior, and much more. Packed with sometimes unbelievable and always hilarious stories, Cruising Attitude intermingles the best of galley gossip with Heather’s own experiences of life in the sky.
Biography & Memoir, General Nonfiction, Travel, Nonfiction
Aangeboden door
Harper Paperbacks (Uitgever)
(User: MarySasso)
November 2011
Begint op: 2011-11-07
Uitgelezen: 2011-11-28
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