Vroege RecensentenThames River Press

Thames River Press is a London-based imprint of the Wimbledon Publishing Company, dedicated to the exploration of literature in its many forms. Through the publication of fiction, non-fiction, translation and eSerials, our aim is to provide plenty of options to delve into the written word. As an independent company, we are free to venture into literature with our interests and our readers’ enjoyment as our compass. We seek out authors who not only entertain, but demonstrate a mastery of language and a keen insight into the world. We are particularly interested in exposing our audience to new reading experiences. With our translation initiative, we hope to provide a more intimate look into various cultures and voices in our global society. With our eSerial programme, we seek to provide a unique opportunity for writers and readers alike to engage in new narrative structures and interactive writing methods, exploring ever more intense relationships between the two. Though the serial format has long been used in the publishing industry, employed by famous authors such as Charles Dickens, our eSerial programme takes advantage of modern technology platforms to deliver a familiar format in a contemporary method. Additionally, they will also provide a platform for TV, theatrical and film adaptations. The only limiting factor will be the imagination of the writers. We hope that through these initiatives, as well as through our fiction and non-fiction publications, we can push the boundaries of literature and bring a new awareness to the written word.