Catholic Science Fiction

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This is a group for Catholics (and other friendly and interested folk) to discuss books from the science fiction and fantasy genres.

The group is not meant to be solely focused on science fiction and fantasy written by or for Catholics, but as a place for Catholics who read science fiction and fantasy to gather.

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Catholic Science Fiction38 ongelezen / 38D.F.Todd, november 2018
General Info1 ongelezen / 1ScottDDanielson, februari 2017
Quotes2 ongelezen / 2ScottDDanielson, februari 2017
Current Reads3 ongelezen / 3ScottDDanielson, februari 2017
Hello again!1 ongelezen / 1ScottDDanielson, december 2015
Does Harry Potter conflict with Catholic Values?5 ongelezen / 5perdondaris, januari 2010
What are you reading?9 ongelezen / 9peter3053, november 2009
Gene Wolfe8 ongelezen / 8ScottDDanielson, januari 2009
The Lord of the Rings1 ongelezen / 1ScottDDanielson, december 2008
Vintage Catholic Sci Fi3 ongelezen / 3SaintSunniva, januari 2008
Catholicism and theology in Julian May's books?3 ongelezen / 3miki, augustus 2007
Spiritual Reading3 ongelezen / 3thegoodlibrarian, april 2007
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