LibraryThing in te reo Māori

Deze groep is officieel gaan sluimeren. Zo gaat dat. bekijk deze pagina als je deze groep nieuw leven in wilt blazen, of een nieuwe groep met hetzelfde onderwerp wilt starten.

Haere mai,

"Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria."

This rōpu is for discussing the Te Reo Māori translation of LibraryThing, and other issues of interest to te reo speaking LibraryThingers.

Anyone can translate the te reo version of the site, just log into and you will see untranslated text highlighted in yellow, click the Whakamāori! button at top right and you can add new translations, change translations that need improvement or say ka pai to translations you approve of.

He rau ringa e oti ai.

To help out:

We're happy to pass the admin role to someone more knowledgeable in te reo, if there is anyone who would like to guide this mahi.

This is a feature balloon