Echte naam
Jeremy Blackman
Over mijn bibliotheek
In terms of format, I favour Folio Society editions and the occasional Franklin and Easton, and first edition hardbacks.

It's currently around 500 titles, having undergone regular pruning. I treat my library like my wine cellar: consciously curated to 'spark joy' and not become a needless hoard. I donate books to charity shops where possible, especially recent release paperbacks once read.

Favourite titles/authors (a mere sample):
I'm a fiction fan, mainly. Occasional sports books (cricket and AFL), and a smattering of philosophy and poetry.

Peter Carey (Bliss, short stories, Illywhacker, P&O in America); Margaret Atwood (Blind Assassin, Cat's Eye...most); John Steinbeck (Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden...all really); Ernest Hemingway (The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms...most), Jane Austen (all); Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers, Dirk Gently); Frank Herbert (Dune); Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, How to be Good...most); George Orwell (1984, Down and Out IL&P...most); Evelyn Waugh (Brideshead...most); Ian McEwan (Atonement, On Chesil Beach...lots); Kafka (Metamorphosis, The Trial); L.P. Hartley (The Go-Between; The Shrimp & tA); Raymond Carver...etc.
Over mij
Originally a lit major, who pursued a career as a violinist (classical and many styles), then high school English teacher, now speechwriter.

I'm a steady but enthusiastic and eclectic reader.
Melbourne, Australia